Manga Entertainment to Release FMA: Brotherhood Boxset

I think FMA is one of their biggest sellers (Funi). As with similar series, it will be a very long time before it go to S.A.V.E. if it ever does (unlike Manga UK who pretty much throw everything on the bargain pile within minutes of release). Adding Brotherhood to the Classic line feels much more likely once this current rerelease has had some time to sell through.

I never said FMA: Brotherhood would be released on S.A.V.E. (or Classic) anytime soon. Tsubasa took over a year to go to the S.A.V.E. line (Tsubasa Season 2 bd was released May 2010 with the S.A.V.E. set released August 2011 while Season 1 bd was released November 2009 with the S.A.V.E. set released June 2011).
Come to think of it, didn't Brotherhood underperform slightly in Japan? I seem to recall it sold around 2500-3000 units per volume which is OK but not what I'd expect for FMA. I'd love to see the US sales figures. Once corrected for differing numbers of eps per volume and so on, I wouldn't be surprised if it sold more in the West than in Japan considering how high up each volume seemed to reach on Amazon's anime charts! I'm also curious about UK sales figures as well...
This thread... UK FMA:B collection is announced and this news is met mainly with cynicism and debate about what label it will eventually end up on in the US (why in the name of all hell does that even matter)? I know Manga f*cked up with the BD release (and that Conan and Ryo just have a vendetta against them generally) but surely this is mainly good news for people who want a full DVD collection of FMA:B? Y'know, sometimes I can understand Jerome.
I'm usually a fairly optimistic person, but somehow the combination of MangaUK + FMA brings out the cynic in me! I don't know what it is.

I wonder what art they're going to use for the complete collection? I know it's overused and obvious (and was nearly put on UK Volume 4) but I like the art they used on Funi's release.

ayase said:
This thread... UK FMA:B collection is announced and this news is met mainly with cynicism and debate about what label it will eventually end up on in the US (why in the name of all hell does that even matter)? I know Manga f*cked up with the BD release (and that Conan and Ryo just have a vendetta against them generally) but surely this is mainly good news for people who want a full DVD collection of FMA:B? Y'know, sometimes I can understand Jerome.

no, it's good news for people who want a full dvd collection that can't afford a bluray player or a multi-region dvd player

just out of intrest who here plans to buy this and does not already have a copy of the show? (aka who plans to not just buy it to help the uk market) cause i'm generally interested to know how many people and why when it's cheaper and quicker to get it imported.

I'm not aiming at manga alone, end of the day people being worried about importing and casual window shopping fans are the only things keeping uk anime companies alive and if HMV goes down the toilet they're screwed
Ath said:
I'm usually a fairly optimistic person, but somehow the combination of MangaUK + FMA brings out the cynic in me! I don't know what it is.

I wonder what art they're going to use for the complete collection? I know it's overused and obvious (and was nearly put on UK Volume 4) but I like the art they used on Funi's release.


true comparing the uk vol 1 to the funi vols 2-5, the funi releases are so much nicer
ayase said:
This thread... UK FMA:B collection is announced and this news is met mainly with cynicism and debate about what label it will eventually end up on in the US (why in the name of all hell does that even matter)?
Ryo's original point was that Funi's BDs would be on the S.A.V.E. label in the future, and thus would be cheaper than Manga's DVD box set. Others, including myself, have pointed out that this is unlikely to be the case.

I should think that most people who post here on a regular basis own the series in one form or another already, so the lack of whooping and hollering is perhaps understandable.
Manga has said that a FMA:B DVD box set would be released for ages, what as been up in the air has been whether they would be able to do a BD box set, which would have depended on inception costs being lower by now. They had to release it in split sets first as a condition of the license IIRC.
DVD only.... I'd been holding off until this announcement. Guess I will be importing the Blu-ray boxset from the US then.
Ryo Chan said:
just out of intrest who here plans to buy this and does not already have a copy of the show?

I cba with Bluray releases on this, tbh.

It's a 540p show. The UK DVDs are 576i. Not really much benefit on these other than progressive scan and lossless audio. PS3's are an excellent BD player, so the interlacing > progressive conversion isn't that noticeable. Plus I don't have good enough equipment to benefit from lossless audio.

Ryo Chan said:
(aka who plans to not just buy it to help the uk market)
That's silly.
I rented a UK DVD of Brotherhood Volume 2, and I gotta say, it looked pretty damn good upscaled with my PS3. It was the PAL speedup on the audio that helped convince me to finish importing the rest on Bluray more than the video really (although they seemed to have pitch corrected the OP and ED oddly enough?). I was just so used to the normal pitch that I couldn't handle the speedup for FMA.

Still I'd take native PAL with speedup over an NTSC-to-PAL conversion (shudders) any day.
fabricatedlunatic said:
ilmaestro said:
Funi don't do SAVE editions of stuff they put on BD, I thought?
There's this and this. I doubt Brotherhood will end up with a S.A.V.E. banner tainting its cover art, though, since it's a line for titles that aren't selling.
Oh, weird. Google seems to suggest I was remembering it the wrong way around, "no SAVE titles will subsequently see a BD release" was their actual stance, so I guess this is fine for shows that had a non-SAVE BD release already.

I still agree with anyone suggesting that FMA would avoid this either way, though.
ilmaestro said:
"no SAVE titles will subsequently see a BD release" was their actual stance
I can't remember if this was ever stated in any official capacity. I do remember Sophie saying that having a save release doesn't actually preclude picking up a future sequel, which was one yardstick people had been using.
I didn't bookmark wherever I found that the other day, but it did seem to be from an official Funi thing. My opinion of anything that Funi does is low enough at this point that I wouldn't be surprised either way, though.