Manga Entertainment to Release FMA: Brotherhood Boxset

Genkina Hito

Fullmetal Alchemist fans in the UK will have the chance to purchase a ten-disc DVD boxset of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood at the end of August with pre-orders for the set to begin at the start of May.

Manga Entertainment revealed this information yesterday on <a href="!/MangaUK/status/195142586393051137">Twitter</a> when questioned by another user wanted to know if Manga would release a boxset similar to the Blu-ray boxset recently released in America. When questioned further about the inclusion of OVA episodes that are soon to be available in the US, Manga stated, "We haven't been offered the FMAB OVAs yet! We'll definitely want to release them here."

<a href="">Source</a>
Too Little?? I don't think there's anything little about a 64 Episode Boxset, Can't see anyone else releasing that?!

To tell the truth I nearly Imported the Blu-ray sets, but the Mega-Box was the only thing that would have persuaded me against Importing...and Guess What? ;)

ConanThe3rd said:
I'll believe it when I see it.
Sounds like a challenge, how much you willing to put down ;)
If they get the OVAs I might wait and get the UK release, they're very good but not a high enough priority for me to import for now. Although I've just seen that Planetaxel have free shipping at the moment...and the Bluray combi pack is £10.73...hmmm I might have to check my bank balance again.

As for the complete collection DVD, although I don't trust MangaUK with anything Fullmetal Alchemist related, they couldn't possibly mess up a simple DVD release could they?
MrLaserSharkKH said:
Too Little?? I don't think there's anything little about a 64 Episode Boxset, Can't see anyone else releasing that?!

pretty sure funi will release the same as a S.A.V.E oneday, and probually in BLU-RAY format too.

anyway it's all pointless till we find out the price, anything over £50 and it's a rip off as you can get the blu-ray collection for that price
megagold5 said:
Joshawott said:
Meanwhile, FUNimation Entertainment recently released the first half of the series in a blu-ray boxset.


Which I received today. 8)

Out of curiosity, has anything changed regarding the region coding of those discs on Blu-Ray?
I hope FMA:B would sell enough to not be part of the dreaded S.A.V.E. line and instead be put onto the Classic Line with much nicer art. Hell if Masters of Martial Hearts managed to make it onto the Classic Line then surely FMA:B did...right? :?
Ryo Chan said:
ilmaestro said:
Funi don't do SAVE editions of stuff they put on BD, I thought?

yet, u know it's coming ... 4400023101

Already done. There are several bds on the S.A.V.E. label. If Tsubasa is on the S.A.V.E. line then I fail to see why FMA: Brotherhood wouldn't get released on it in due time. ... 4400059889

As for the Classic line - Yu Yu Hakusho bds appear on this line.