
Chibi Yosho said:
Chomolungma said:
I wonder what Nina's reaction will be when she finds out about Sergey's funding of Arika

Well when she finds that out she will know about Arika's mother and things, because of the letter. As we can see in this episode, Nina is the best character and even though she wants to stay number 1 she isn't evil like Tomoe, and actually helps other characters (well, Arika anyway) out!

Nina for the win!

Nina has a strong attachment to her step-father, and I think she may feel betrayed when she finds out, feeling that Arika means more to him than her. I like how she is helping Arika subtly; with Nao's help she discovers far more of what is really going on than Arika, Akane, Chie, Irina the other one do. She's certainly kind beneath her cold exterior, and I can actually see a partnership with Arika develop as the series goes on, no matter how much she resists it.
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I felt this episode was a lot more sinister than the others so far, evidently Tomoe isn't the nice kind person she appears to be, and is manipulating people without getting her own hands dirty. It was good to see things resolved and the "good" characters working as a team to help Arika out.

I thought Shiho was hilarious in this episode, the way her eyes twitch as she desperatly tries to keep up her temper is just comedy gold. Mashiro was amusing too especially when she left the room at the end of the episode.

As for Nina she certainly feels she "should" be helping Arika and is doing so in her own way. But is far to ashamed to admit it to herself. I have a feeling Sergey will be Arika's mysterious benefactor perhaps and if Nina discovers this there could be a lot more tension.

Oh and Nao was cool this episode with her evil fingernails!
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Mangaminx said:
Chomolungma said:
Otome isn't a shoujo-ai series at all.

Saw this on animesuki and just thought i'd point out that Arika evidently disagrees with you in the Mai-Otome promo, even if it is a parody!


:lol: You did take what I said out of context, since I was only saying Otome wasn't a shoujo-ai show compared to MariMite. :p

That's rather hilarious, though, and it does lend some credance to the oft-seen crackpot theory that the series will end up as a harem anime centered around Chie.
Episode 6 - Filler all the way here, but still entertaining as long as your tolerance for huge orange tentacles grabbing people is high.

It's a funny episode more than anything, with Shiho using her magical voodoo like powers to summon some monsters to cause a scene however things go a bit wrong after the monster eats sugar and grows huge. It's Nao's turn to dash to the rescue, as she uses barbed wire type things that grow out her fingernails to battle the monster. There evidently some sabotage going on as someone swapped salt and sugar round to make the monster grow (most likely Tomoe, but I suppose Nao could have done it in order to make herself look good).

Most of the episode is spent with silliness and jokes, but the fight scene at the end was actually one of the best so far I thought despite the episode overall being the weakest for me. Looks like episode 7 will be when the plot starts to develop as it was certainly the most serious preview so far.
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This episode had a lot in it; I think my blog's reviews was a tad too long, but oh well. I'm glad the plot seems to be about to pick up; in this episode, the highlight for me was the relationships between Nao and Shiho, Nina and Arika, and Ernstein and Nina. Besides that though, the whole tentacle monster scenes where a tad scary, especially Ernstein's "pose".

I'm looking forward to next episode more than ever, though, because it has more Nagi and a greater role for Mashiro than to laugh at Arika.

Mashiro: This swimsuit has been handed down over generations!
The last two episodes have reallly added some more plot development to the series; all that is needed now is actual progression. Miyu's appearance was fantastic, and the more serious tone assumed now is fabulous; episode 8 had some quite sinister, if predicted, features.
While I'd agree things are certainly predictable to a certain extent, I'm glad to see the series take a route into a more serious and sinister plot line. Various characters seem to be establishing themselves as baddies now and theres obvious key threats making their moves in the background. There seems to be various factions all making their moves. Next episode dosen't look quite as plot heavy as the previous two though :p .

Not entirely sure what to make of the newest additions to the cast, as Miyu didnt really appear to be doing anything except standing around in her witches outfit and being rather unhelpful. However I expect she has a far more important role to play in the plot as it develops.