Lucifer Call help!

are the oni's worth fusing?

i suspected the lady in black may be yuko myself, of course thats just a hunch i had in my gut. As for the old man and kid, i havent been told who they are yet but i suspected that the kid is actually the old man and the old woman is actually the woman and black but their ages reverse, as in the kalpa the young man is an old man and the old woman is a young woman, of course thats just what i think, am i far off the mark?
your close :p Also what do you know of the journalist ?

If you want a 100% compendium then the Oni's are a must, as to wheter or not they are needed i'm unsure i just blitzed fused them and the fused them into other things as i was trying to get the compendium full.
holy **** did you complete the compendium 100%, your wallet must have been feeling the pain to do that, what is an easy to making money?

ha really? thats pretty good to hear then but i can't wait to find out the truth behind it, as for the journalist i thought for ages that he is quite possibly the only neutral character in this ****** up game, but the last thing he said sort of suggested he is using you to tap into the power of the amala network for possibly his own 'reason', is the journalist a lot darker than he seems?
i'll put it this way, i felt really sorry for him once i found out the whole story behind him (think only those in the hospital were to surivive yet he surivied and he wasn't in the hopstial)

Well getting money isn't that much of a problem :p even now i've got upwards of 30,000 macca. The compendium is only a bonus though when you come to replay the game and the price of summoning is halved.
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awww now i want to find out about his backstory even more! when does it get revealed?

**** half price for summoning demons?! thats one of the best deals possible. I was very happy when i got through the cursed zone in the second kalpa to be rewarded with 250K, i was literally stunned haha :lol:
You learn his story soon enough, at the point where you go to three temples, its also the point where Isamu takes the final step needed for his reason to be fully realised. Actually no i'm wrong its another part of the Kalpa story bits. Disregard the first part of the post :p

Yeah the half bit came in handy but on the second playthrough there's a strong urge to just buy the strongest demon you have registed, there's a reason i'm doing this playthrough on a completely new save :p having a level 99 Metatron would be just unfair for everyone else.
man your making me want to get back to the game ASAP even more, story sounds like it gets even better, i just love how atmospheric all the story bits in this game are especially when being summoned into the fiend realm, the music to the situation during them moments is amazing.

woah can you just summon a demon on yoru second playthrough despite your level? and yeah if i had a lv 99 metatron waiting for me i would probaly give into temptation haha :p
Agreed, the story may not be in the same league as the other SMT games its more fun as esstentally you are creating a new world from the ashes, and in fact it could be that this game is like the Turn A gundam of the SMT series :p saying that any of the Persona games could of been previous worlds that got destroyed and reborn.

With the reduced cost in the compedium it was only 45,000 to summon him i think, and if you can get that much easily enough by the time you get to ikeburor (which you would have to anyway seeing as that's when the compendium is unlocked)

Still i love playing this game
why what was the mark set in turn A gundam? and yeah the whole idea of you being the one in control of how the entire world turns out is a really good idea as well as fun, plus where as most games have you stopping the end of the world, here the end of the world happens within the first 10 minutes hahaha.

Speaking of persona, have you finished P4 yet and if you did how did you find it and what did you prefer between 4 and 3?

45K for one of the best demons in the game? it doesn't get much better than that :D

SMT games just have that certain charm and lure to them which makes them hard to put down once you pick them up, i can't get enough of this game at the moment.
In Turn A Gundam, it was said that all the different gundam timelines were actually part of one massive big timeline :)

I've not completed P4 yet, i'm not that far as i should of been and i hope to get further in between sessions of LC and FF8 :p

Tell me about it, until i played LC i was convinced that FF was the best RPG series (exception being Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Sega Saturn i loved that game to bits but i could only play the free disc one i got), then i played Lucifer's Call and i just wanted to know more about this series and why it took so long for it to come out over here
Ah i see now i defintiely get your point with the comparison there, nice theory and it would be nice to think it was real :)

how is the replay of FF8 going? and where are you currently upto in P4 then?

We both basically think the same, i was in the exact same position and when i popped this in my disc tray my expectatiosn where just blown away. Also i don't know if you have played this JRPG before, but i reccomend trying to hunt down the first shadow hearts game as it is another personal favourite which is very dark and contains a lot of morbid themes (the first town you come to is a town of cat demons who are cannibals and offer sacrifices to a summoned god, children are no exception) and also has a very unique plot just like the SMT series.
Well the fact that the Demi-Fiend is in Digtal Devil Saga could be a hint towards it but i doubt it :p

FF8 i'm past timber, but i'm level 30 and i'm trying to train my GF's up to master more abilities and junctions, i need to get Zell's strength up. Squall hits in the high 3 digit numbers now whenever he strikes.

on the P4 front i'm about to save Kanji from himself, (see i'm a lot behind other people) but i'm not doing too badly i've got quite a lot of cash considering how inexpensive things are.

I'll have to keep an eye out for that game, i'm sure i've seen something similar while browesing like. Of course the best part about this was that LC was a blind buy for me really, all i knew about it was a small review in gamesmaster and that Dante was in it, it was worth the money i paid :)
hahaha that would be going out on a long shot, but hey at least we can dream.

woah level 30 at timber?! you must have trained a good while, but because your level is so high wont the game become a lot harder later on? or is that what your aiming for? oh and whats your final team on FF8, mine is always zell,squall and irvine (i also think they have gamebreaking limit breaks when put together)

ah the kanji arc, thats actually one of my favourite points in P4, his boss battle is quite challenging if unprepared ( i think i was level 30 with my main and 28 with the others before i thought him), youve got a lot to look forward to anyway :)

I bought LC for basically the same reasons, except i hadn't heard no reviews on it at the time, what did gamemaster give it by the way?, i got mine for £20 because it was some gamestation christmas sale and **** was that more than worth it haha :D
lol true, who knows there's always the PS3 Shin Megami Tenesi 4 rumour (Lucifer's Call is actually Shin Megami Tensei 3) so who knows we may get something from that.

I've not noticed too much in the way of diffculty really but as for teams at the moment i'm using Selphie, Zell and Squall, as i've not got to the point where i can use Quistes again (although i've had the cutscene with her in timber already i just need to get to the getaway train and the second dream part) The team i use later is Squall, Rinoa and Irvine i think but i pretty much mix and match as i feel like it :p

Cool i'm hoping to get the Kanji fight done tomorrow then i'm going to go back and beat up the first optonal boss, but that may be after some more training as i'm only level 23 :p But this game has been good so far so i'm glad i've got more to come.

I think GM gave it a 82% rating, but they've been stuck on the whole "FF is the best ever" train for so long the rating doesn't surprise me :p See i paid £30 for it and its worth every penny :) but then again i bought it pretty much the day of release i think.
if they brought that out, i would probaly buy a PS3 for that game, **** i'd probaly buy one for any SMT game, this series has never let me down.

how does rinoa fair later on in battle? i usually drop her for irvine when i can, oh and also have you ever gotten selphie's 'the end' spell during her slots? and have you been doing the card game, i always get addicted to that on every playthrough.

you may have a bit of trouble at level 23 but then since you are pretty skilled you may not :) , at level 30 though you can make the persona 'ose' which i think is a huge help since it has rakunda and for that battle it comes in handy, also having dekaja on hand is a big help but i imagien yosuke still has you covered there.

grrr when will people learn that FF is not the be all end all of JRPG's and hasn't been for awhile..., i can imagine when XIII comes out it will be no different with reviewers worldwide :p
lol true, in fact SMT and Zone of the Enders are the only two game series that i would buy a PS3 for.

She's not so bad, the dog has come in handy a few times with the revives and potions, i mainly used her at the time for the storyline connection. I loved Selphie's the end spell a shame you couldn't get it normally.I love the card game i've spent hours playing it before, this time i've been a bit disheartened as i can't seem to get the mini-mog card and normally by now i've won a fair few battles on it. I'll put more time into it later though :)

I've got plently of Dekaja skills to go around :p and some rakunda's as well :) but i'll try my best anyway plus if i do it quick enough i'll have more time for the social links.

Hah don't get me started :p i think its because for so long we only had Final Fantasy games that people love them so much and won't try others. It's their loss really.
that kid with the minimog card must have the best stamina of anyobdy in that game, he must have lapped that circular area in the garden for 50+ hours in my game, only thing i never do with the card game is queen of cards quest because she pisses me off at how she turns from queen to total bitch as soon as you lose a card to her :lol:

your good to go then man, should have no troubles with it :)

yeah i know, the die-hard fans drive me nuts though at how they can never admit any faults with a game in the FF series, or how they look down on any other JRPG that doesn't resort to using the same plot device for every game or same stock characters, this is the reason why FF8 is my favourite because it had balls and decided to be different both in plot terms and gameplay wise and as a result that same 'said' fanbase bashed the **** out of it! :x
hah yeah, i do the queen of cards thing even though it doesn't make sesne why she needs one of my cards to make a completely different one :p

Good :) i was supposed to do it earlier but g/f was round so i had to leave it lol

FF8 is my favourite one and i'm always saddened by the fact that it gets bashed as often as it does, i guess i must of been the only person not confused by the junction system :p
exactly! total bitch!

when duty calls man, duty calls :p

man me too, the junction system is piss and very handy system to use, the game gives you like 3 explainations on it before you even leave garden, you would have to be a retard not to have some understanding of it after that :lol: , FF8 is just **** on for all the wrong reasons, if people actually used that thing called a brain and stopped and read the tutorials for 5 minutes they would probaly understand a lot more.

On and update on LC:

finished 2/3 of the Amala temples, nearly got my ass handed to me by i think the boss was called something like Aciel (black temple), his skill called 'sol niger' was harsh to say the least haha, then fought skadi but was shocked that i beat her without taking a hit and within 3 turns, she wasted all her turns on tarakuja and i had an attack mirror on hand at all times.
Ahem to that! I love FF8 and its story, and the junction system was nicely balanced i thought, and i understood it a lot more then the materia system on FF7 :p

Ah the amala temples, almost ready to meet Isamu's demon (if you fight against him he'll annoy you if you don't catch on to his trick.

as for myself on LC, i'm at the assembly of Ninhilo now, at 11 hours in, level 31 :)