Lucifer Call help!


Student Council President
hey it's that asshole again who always requires help :D , this time with lucifer call which i have been replaying through in attempt to beat it this time, i just finished the obelisk and i am thinking of getting some floors of the kalpa out of the way. So i came to the 2nd floor of the kalpa and i am wondering if there is anyway to get through the curse zone without taking damage every 2 steps?!

any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Oh the irony i've not long started a new save on this game :p I don't think there's anything you can do though, but i'll be on that part soon enough mind, i plan to do the first kalpa once i've got the encounter with Dante out of the wayin Ikeburoro. I think i've done good progress in 6 hours.
woah dude seriously?! thats awesome! we must be linked game-wise or some crazy **** like that haha :D

where are you upto after 6 hours? and what demons are you using?, also whats your skill set so far?

right now i'm just doing the puzzle boy game in order to get this magatama i've heard is a godsend.
At this point i've just sent Matador to whether it is that Fiends have come from and i'm Level 21, can't remember stats but my skill list is something like this, Heat Wave, Tonado, Fire Breath, Fire Boost, Life Bonus, Mind Bonus, Anyalse and Counter. Demons i've got a kodama who is only being kept to i can fuse him with my war cry carrying Zhen to make Momuffou (who i intend to evolve to get the useful arhabki). Got High Pixie still, may just keep her so i don't lose a more useful demon later on...Got an Isora, a Chronozone, a Uzume (has been useful so far) an Ingumi (about to evolve) and i can't think of who else.

Ah the puzzle that was fun, last time around i mastered all the magatama (took me ages, ended up with a lethal lvl 99 main character mind)
just about to exit the ginza underpass then, that is good progress for 6 hours!, i was using an uzume for ages and then eventually dropped her for kushinada later on because she had mediarama, i also got a momuffou and evolved into arahabaki (still using him now).
I've kept onto my high pixie now in order to try and get that demon in the kalpa later on but i have been so tempted to get rid of it at many points in the game as it's jsut taking up space now.

******* hell at mastering all the magatama, your guy as you say must have been basically a god within the game after all that, right now after beating the obelisk my guy is at lv.51 and my party consists of: (beware of likely spelling mistakes)


i have others in the reserves but they are basically my main party for the time being. Oh and do you get anything for mastering all the magatama?
Actually you know your main character's type? That changes depending on the amount of magatama you've mastered. although you can't master the first one you get unless you complete the labyrinth of Amala since you can't unlock pirece otherwise.

A nice team you have there, by that point i normally have a fiend in my team although its annoying to get the kagsutchi phase right. Techincally you can get rid of her and it will just take whatever demon you have had the longest. I lost my hell biker which i had groomed to be pretty strong
ah so thats what it does, i was wondering what that message next to my name meant, i only noticed it before :oops:

what phase do you need it to be to get a fiend? the only fiend i seem to be able to create at the moment is the matador, but i have beaten daisojou(sp?) and hell biker so should i be able to create them and do i need deathstone's to make fiends? i have 2 at the moment.

If i had a hell biker and lost him and on top of that after making him strong, i probaly would have buried my head into my pillow or any soft object present at the time and bellowed and almighty scream hahaha.
well what makes it more bearable is that the pixie you get has 20 in all stats, may be more now that i think of it. You need different phases to get different Fiends plus you have to be able to make different types, (making a yoma type at a 1/8 phase gets you matador for example) and it uses 1 deathstone each time. Of course there's other special fusions that you'll have to look out for.

Talking about magatama though be sure to go through the hassle of getting Masakados as that's literally the best in the game, asde from having the best Almighty skill it voids everything apart from almighty so you're safe apart from the final boss(es)
ah i see, damn you cathedral of shadows and your 'piss on your parade' ways!, thanks for the heads up though i wouldn't have gussed that and the 20 to all stats does indeed make it more bearable.

That sounds amazing, i would be a fool nto to try and get it, but what exactly do i have to do to get it? oh and an update, i just finished the puzzle game HOORAH! :D
You get it after completing a sub quest towards the end of the game, i'll have to look at it in more detail like, memory of the game is shot to pieces :p I assume you're going for the True Demon ending like? Or are you going to see one of the three "Reasons" to the end.
ah i see, when you remember please do tell me!

I was thinking of maybe going for one of the three reason endings on my first play through and then trying for true demon on the second, but what do i have to do in order to get the true demon ending?

Oh and on another note, thanks to your advice i just fused a daisojou with makakaja and tarukaja which i hope will help in the long run :)
Cool glad that i could help :) When i first played through this game i always undervalued the -kunda and -kaja skills but that changed once i saw what happened when i powered mysefl up to max with Tarukaja and weakened my enemy with Rakunda :p

To get True Demon you have to complete all of the Labryinth of Amala so you have to have beaten Metatron and gotten the cutscene after he's dead, so you can't complete the compendium unless your going for this ending. Once Metatron is beaten though you're locked into the True Demon pathway and you can't do anything to get out.
ah i see but i bet metatron is going to be as a t-rex's **** taking into account how he has came across in all the other SMT games, did you have any trouble with him?

same here and i think that is what basically made my first run through unplayable up to the point i got to because i had just came off the final fantasy train and didn't ever consider the use of buffing spells in a game before or magic really for that matter, so i dumped all my level up points into strength and strength alone, get up grimahelka in yoyogi park and BANG! i'm ****** lmao.
Hah lol i try to spread my points out evenely amongst my stats although i pay attention to Vitality.

As for Metatron he was a pain mainly as he had a few nasty almightly attacks, but he goes down once you know what you're doing....Unfortunatly i've forogtten how i beat him as well :p If you go for True Demon just be prepared for the hardest of all the bosses (even has the most HP)
i've wondered for awhile but does VIT also boost your defence as well as your HP?, i've been pouring most into magic this run through and then second most to STR and VIT, whilst not upgrading AGI and LUC much but still not too little.

i'd expect nothing less from the boss of a ending labelled 'true demon', but is he a bigger asshole that the notorious beck from DDS? :lol:

Oh and update on where i'm not at, i just finished the second run through the amala network, i spent half of that fight with the spectre boosting my magic up the stratosphere and then find out the boss is void to magic attacks lmao.
lol i love it when that happens, i've just had a short burst on it, been training on the first kalpha and got my Raiju back ^_^ he was a lifesaver during my first runthrough, now lvl 25 and i got my full Force combo of Tornado and Force Boost which can do upto 300 damage each time.

Yeah Vit is a defence stat mainly, its a good one to boost.

Lucifer isn't that much of a pain, he does have cheap tricks but given by the time you fight him your more then likely going to have demons in the high levels (90+) you'll be thanking the powers that be for the best version of dia :p It's more of a long battle then anything else.
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woah thats a hell of a lot of damage, i could only dream for that much damage at that point in the game haha. I just finished the 2nd kalpa and have took out white rider and red rider (thank god for valkyrie), now level 60 and have just finished yoyogi park which puts me ahead of where i got upto on my first playthrough YAY!

my party is now currently:

hell biker
takeminshi( or something like that, he has ziodyne?)

bit worried about taking on third kalpa because of dante :p
Dante's not as hard as you think :p Just gone on for a quick go again so i'm now 9 hours in and i'm level 28, mastered a few of the magatama and nearly have my aharabki back. Yoyogi park was fun from what i can remember although my memory is even more blurry after that point :p have you fought the four oni yet? Also on the fourth (or fifth kalpha, i'm thinking fourth though) when asked by dante pick heads on the coin otherwise you'll end up paying a lot of money. Secret talk, the coin he uses is actually double headed and is the same coin that he uses in Devil May Cry 2

I've noticed a few things i never saw before in this game though, like one of the images shown during the talk after you complete first kalpha, it shows an image of people walking around after the conception but if you look cloesely its your friends, the maiden and Hisawa, which makes sense since it was talking about those people with a reason and the will to make a new world.
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yoyogi park was a lot better than i remember, the pixie changing puzzle was a lot easier this time and i got through it a lot faster, plus the place is amazing for EXP. Yeah i thought the four oni on my way through the ikekiburo tunnel the first time, are they actually optional? i always thought you had to beat them to progress in the game. The final oni though i think would just be impossible unless you knew to fight him at a full phase.

woah thanks a lot for the headsup on the dante coin toss, what a dirty trick haha just like him :lol: , also nice to see they used his coin from DMC2.

I never noticed that myself but that is really good how they put little small things like that in, i'm also finding that completing the kalpa's adds a hell of a lot more to the story and backstroy, makes me wonder how they left this as optional stuff.
You can fuse three of the four oni's the final one you need to do a trick to get the fourth and final one.

I've always wondered about the identity of the Lady in Black, the one who travels around with the old man (on a side note do you know about the old man and the kid yet or do you have suspicions about who they are?) the things she says at first i thought it was Yuko, but i'm not sure.