Limited edition GITS: SAC boxset on


Straw Hat Pirate
In addition to the standard boxset and special edition volume 7 of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, are also listing an exclusive Limited Edition boxset for the series (to be released on the 14th of November). Priced at £79.99, the set contains the double disc editions of volume 1-7 inside a tin box with an embossed image of a Tachikoma robot.
So basically for those who haven't been buying the series so far.

Hmm, doing a quick calculation considering the prices I bought the earlier volumes at, there isn't too much of a price difference. Thankfully, otherwise I'd be pretty annoyed.

When 2nd Gig starts coming out though, I'm going to wait on the boxset.
subedii said:
So basically for those who haven't been buying the series so far.

Hmm, doing a quick calculation considering the prices I bought the earlier volumes at, there isn't too much of a price difference. Thankfully, otherwise I'd be pretty annoyed.

When 2nd Gig starts coming out though, I'm going to wait on the boxset.

Think I will do the same for 2nd GiG, my Stand Alone Complex 6 shipped from play the other day so should hopefully get it on Saturday, Im to far into the 1st GiG now to get an actual boxset of it.
manga sure are giveing people alot od options on this seire.
as you can get just vol 7 oe get vol 7 iwth yin and t-shirt or get a boxset with all 7 dvds or the tin with all 7 dvds .... darm so much and it sure makes a differents from anything else that happens in thw uk.
They want they want as much money as they can squeeze out of you!

I'm still sticking with my original plan to sell off my 5 volumes I've got so far and buying the £30 box set.
I have to say that the £30 boxset is good enough for me as well (I only got as far as collecting vols 1-2); I'd rather go without all the extras and put the money towards another series.
There are a couple of UK exclusive interviews that won't be on the £30 version though (see here), but I was actually thinking more of the 'physical' extras, i.e. the Tachikoma tin, or in the case of the LE vol 7, the t-shirt, when I posted before.
Six said:

They could have picked a better picture for the box art. Like the one with the Major sat on top of a pile of books.
Yeah, that picture they're using is OK, but they could have chosen a better one.

Personal preference would have been either




Probably the latter.

Well, it's 31 Days and counting... Until the release and the bugs (and lack of bugs) is confirmed, I'm waiting...


just waiting...







*Checks date*



lol i dont know what to do, either pay £27 for a t-shirt and buy the lmtd vol7 with tin + t-shirt and the other volumes separately, or just buy the nomal 14 disk box set with the tin and no t-shirt :S (i love xtras so i wont get the 7 disk set) :?
Word to the wise I just sent manga a formal email asking if some of the problems on the individual releases will be fixed on the boxsets.


I emailed you a couple of months ago about some problems with the fifth volume of the Stand Alone Complex DVD's and I've just heard that there is going to be two box set releases of the series(one with a tin and one in a fold out case). I was wondering if these releases would have some of the problems if not all fixed and corrected. Below is a quick list of a few of the main problems a lot of people have had with the initial individual releases...

# Subtitles are out of sync on all volumes
# There are no sign translations unless you turn on full subtitles
# On volume five the Japanese 2.0 audio is English 2.0, there is no Japanese 2.0 on the DVD
# Also on volume five there is a large black border around the English subtitles which is very distracting

A few fans of the series are unsure if they want to buy this set and just opt to have them imported from the US; this is mainly the fans who prefer the subtitles over the dub. Will any of these problems be sorted out for either of these box set releases?

Other than that though it's great that you have given us so many options with this series(optional tin with volume 7 for the people who have been collecting each volume, the collectors set with tin and for the people who can't afford that there's the fold out set) and also the high quality cover art each volume has had.

Thank you for you're time, I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.

Here's hoping I get a fast reply like last time.
Good luck mate, I sent a more brief email that asked virtually the same question, last Sunday. No reply from them yet.