Completely Average High School Student
I've downloaded a couple volumes of the manga. Now, usually, lolicon-focused fan service is just 16+ year old girls with no busts, but this is flat out under-aged stuff. I've only read a volume or two, and I've heard the general gist of the story, which is much less horrifying than you'd think. Story of what I've read so far below:
There's two main characters; A little girl and her infant-school teacher. The little girl has a carer, who used to be the lover of the little girl's mother. Sadly, the mother died of cancer, and the carer's love of the woman has been redirected at the little girl. So now the carer is trying some creepy "replace mother with little girl over the years" plan and the teacher is going to try and stop him. However, the little girl just sees the carer as a father/big brother figure, and professes love for her teacher. This out of the ordinary behaviour of the little girl is most likely from the unusual circumstance of her life (deceased mother) and the teacher only wishes for the well-being of the little girl and to save her from the creepy plans of her carer.
The story is has a back story of tragedy, but the rest is either drama (the good kind, that brings you into the story rather than the wangst-fest of Eva or similar rubbish) or comedy. It's worth the read if you don't mind the occasional (creepy) fan service.
There's two main characters; A little girl and her infant-school teacher. The little girl has a carer, who used to be the lover of the little girl's mother. Sadly, the mother died of cancer, and the carer's love of the woman has been redirected at the little girl. So now the carer is trying some creepy "replace mother with little girl over the years" plan and the teacher is going to try and stop him. However, the little girl just sees the carer as a father/big brother figure, and professes love for her teacher. This out of the ordinary behaviour of the little girl is most likely from the unusual circumstance of her life (deceased mother) and the teacher only wishes for the well-being of the little girl and to save her from the creepy plans of her carer.
The story is has a back story of tragedy, but the rest is either drama (the good kind, that brings you into the story rather than the wangst-fest of Eva or similar rubbish) or comedy. It's worth the read if you don't mind the occasional (creepy) fan service.
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