Kino’s Journey is a truly wonderful anime. Every aspect of the series was excellent in my eyes, even it’s sparse soundtrack was perfect. The often charming but always weird country’s that Kino and Heremes visit, with their bizarre traditions and in many cases anachronisms are superbly creative and detailed. But the show’s best feature is definitely the character of Kino. I can’t help but admire how Kino stays such an impartial observer throughout each experience in each country visited. This despite nearly always being witness to situations of right versus wrong, or something just simply deplorable.
I think my favourite episode is either the second one in which Kino discovers the three traders stuck in the snow or maybe the final episode which made me feel really tense regarding the travelling pair’s safety and worried that Kino would have a change of policy or two.
I just can’t understand why it hasn’t been watched by more people. Maybe it’s the lack of romance, comedy, mecha, violence and fanservice?
Having enjoyed Kino’s Journey so much I’ve ordered the first two light novels, the first of which should be dropping through my letterbox as I type. I really do recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a thinking anime.
Also, for some deeper considerations on the series check out the thoughts of Ramadahl and Miaka-chan (whatever happened to Miaka-chan?) in this quite old but interesting
thread. (Beware of spoilers)
Ark, I would agree that the
gladiator episodes were perhaps a bit out of place in the series. But they still provoked some thoughts on the human condition.