Kino's Journey

When I first saw the coliseum episodes they did appear somewhat out of place, but thinking about them later they do seem to fit in. In the journey of exploring human nature this is where she gets to ask about peoples individual reasons for fighting, which is kinda a significant point. Plus there's the fact that participating in the tournament meant she stayed for 3 days, thus keeping the pattern going.

Episode 2 is certainly a memorable one, especially after the very calm episode 1, but my favourite episode was probably episode 4, where we find out about her past and the "real" Kino.

Arc said:
I would have also liked to have seen Kino herself pushed over the edge a little more emotionally speaking.
I don't know, I think episode 4 combined with what we see from other episodes portrays her character fine. And honestly I don't know if she can be pushed over the edge that way.
I'm halfway through this one at the moment and I'm enjoying it.

It's cool that it gives food for thought without ramming loads of philosophy down your throat (which is what I was initially worried about when I see the on-screen text appear). Also cool that it doesn't really form any real opinions or judgements and lets you get do that bit if you choose to.

Got the last 2 discs waiting to be watched. I'm spreading it out to make it last. :D
Ark said:
Ramadahl said:
but my favourite episode was probably episode 4, where we find out about her past and the "real" Kino.

Are you sure you're not a lolicon?


I like it because it's such a powerful episode (I mean, her parents actually try to kill her O.O ) that also explains her whole personality. In terms of understanding her character there isn't a more important episode.

And no, I'm not a lolicon.
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Another interesting and unusual aspect of this series is Kino’s gender. I really wish I could have watched it without knowing already. It hardly qualifies as the kind of spoiler to ruin a series, especially as most people who have watched it probably knew already. But I can’t think of any other anime with an asexual type character. I’m not entirely sure of the overall significance of Kino’s gender not being revealed for several episodes, but I guess it just further emphasises Kino’s impartiality throughout.

It was on this site during the character battle that I realised that it was unclear when people were surprised to see who Kino was up against. But it was thanks to that that I checked out the series, so no complaints from me.
My favourites would include the second story about the three men trapped in the snow. The twist just near the end really shocked me, I really didn't see that coming. I also liked The Land Of Books story where they flip the entire idea of the story on its head suggesting that perhaps Kino is just a character in a story (which ironically she really is. There's a book called Kino No Tabi where the series is based on.) But I think it will be the last story that will remain in my heart. I thought it was sad that the one place where Kino would have liked to stay, is the one place she has to leave.

This is one of those rare series where I often find myself thinking about the series after the story's end. Small things like Kino's reasoning about why she keeps traveling (if she settles in one place, she will cease being a traveller) and how her decisiveness about not involving herself in other people's lives changes throughout the series.

Truely a lovely series.

M.G xx