

Baka Ranger
Just realised we don't have a thread yet for this and this is probably the first film of 2010 I'm really eager to see. I'm not familiar with the comics (yet!) but this looks amazing.

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The posters have been up for a while but I watched the trailer for the first time two days ago and I have to agree that it looks awesome.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Me and my friend agree the trailer looks interesting and that we want to see it. Also, "Kick-ass" is a great name for a super hero X]
This is the greatest summary I can agree with. I can't say anymore to promote it better. :)

This is how every fictional little girl should be, no exceptions. Movie was awesome as ****, except for you know... Kick Ass being a boring character. Lol @ Tamer Hassan & Mark Strong being it it though, was kind of funny seeing Tamer Hassan get gunned down.
Have to agree on Dave being pretty horrible. He stands up well among the ensemble, but he's a pretty unlikeable protagonist, heck, most everyone in the film is flawed and selfish - and that's one of the reasons I think it works. Yes, I also realise I just turned criticism into appraisal but nobody cares. I also wasn't that fond of him you know, actually getting the girl. I haven't read the comic but I heard that specific storyline ends in a more depression fashion.
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looks good, i haven't read the comics yet so i wouldn't know how accurate this adaption is, but if i enjoy the movie i might pick up the comics
The comics and screenplay were written at the same time, with the screenplay actually being finished before the comics so I don't think, in this particular instance, its about how faithful it is - they are different beasts.
Lupus said:

This is how every fictional little girl should be


Though I really wouldn't have a definitive model for fictional girls, since it all become boring as ****. Though I do like Blossom
Great film. The diner fight and the Matrix style hallway fight at the end were really impressive. The jokes and references came thick and fast and the pace never slackened. I'm tempted to see it again.
This is one of my fav films of 2010 (so far anyways). I loved it some much, weird at times but hey thats life, Hit girls my fav character then probably red mist.