Kara no Kyoukai BD Box Set to be distributed in the USA

Pretty good price from up1, I have to say. If you get hit with customs, I'd imagine even in February that would work out to costing you more if you bought it from a US store. In fact that's almost cheap enough to have me cancelling my Amazon Japan order.
Stupid people with more money than sense are stupid. This would only kinda-sorta be worth it with all seven soundtracks included. Wasting money like this because of popularity alone, with no inkling to see if the final product matches the hype beforehand, is most foolish.

A smart man, such as myself, would put such a sum towards buying a new, super-large monitor, together with a powerful PC/large HDD. More 'free rentals', in better quality, FTW!

I tried to warn Roy, out of the kindness of my heart, but listen did her squirrel-sized brain not. All I can ever do is TRY to clear the fog from the ignorant and help the dummies, and my powerlessness pains me, ever more...
AironicallyHuman said:
Stupid people with more money than sense are stupid. This would only kinda-sorta be worth it with all seven soundtracks included. Wasting money like this because of popularity alone, with no inkling to see if the final product matches the hype beforehand, is most foolish.

A smart man, such as myself, would put such a sum towards buying a new, super-large monitor, together with a powerful PC/large HDD. More 'free rentals', in better quality, FTW!

I tried to warn Roy, out of the kindness of my heart, but listen did her squirrel-sized brain not. All I can ever do is TRY to clear the fog from the ignorant and help the dummies, and my powerlessness pains me, ever more...

I just think overall your way to picky and judgmental on others.


It's amazing how it's getting a release over in the US, watched this series a while back and enjoyed it, so I might get it depending on when the price goes down or not.
AironicallyHuman said:
A smart man, such as myself, would put such a sum towards buying a new, super-large monitor, together with a powerful PC/large HDD. More 'free rentals', in better quality, FTW!

What are free rentals?

ALso, if people have the money and can afford to spend it, are they not entitled to spend it on whatever they want or should they care what other people think about them?
I'm sure it breaks our hearts that we earn enough money to be able to afford such things when we want them. I already have a powerful PC and twin monitors, and the rest of my spare money is earmarked for anime/music anyway.

It's not any more expensive than Gundam Unicorn etc (when everything is factored in - though that has the advantage that you can drop out if you don't like it at any time). Heck, importing back in the VHS days was seriously expensive. This is fine. People who can't/won't buy it now can hold out for a cheaper collection with less fancy treatment down the line.

Please be sure to know how to differentiate between when to use 'you' / 'you're' and 'to' / 'too' before telling me things about my experienced, tasteful findings. Coming across like an easily pleased idiot in need of grammar corrections only helps me appear more Godly.

PS: "on others"?... OF others, you master dumbduck sergeant!

Look, precious, I have no problem with you blowing £300 on something you like, or buying my a HDTV so I can play FF14 with you because you have so much money to waste. Spending money you know will make you happy is all well and good. But £300 on a series of mostly short works you have no clue about, and viewing watching Tsukihime (sp? only the eyes of death w/e are the same) as trying before buying is what only a drunk, abused squirrel deprived of nuts would do. YOU DON'T PAY £300 FOR CARTOONS UNLESS YOU KNOW FOR A BLOODY FACT YOU LIKE THE CARTOONS!!

My tactic of buying lots of anime for cheap and praying for the best is a lot less foolish, and even I think it's ducking dumb. So for me to take time out of my HECTIC schedule to try to educate you...

(Btw, do you happen to have a spare PC that doesn't make noise and can play games at high resolutions? Plz send it over, if so. Or buy me one.)
Then you're a-ok; you aren't throwing around £300 like a blind-man whose dog has abandoned him in search of pussy.

Not only is Roy spending £300 at random instead of sending me more freebies - and keeping my address for future blackmail purposes - she's leading me on repeatedly and then ignoring me. I swear, all bitches are the same - it's a lot like Princess and how she licks me sometimes and other times attempts to remove my fingers, without explanation.

...Back on topic, the first and sixth films are 100% filler. The 2nd is long-winded and somewhat dull; setting up the final film, more than anything. The fourth is another not-so-great addition - not a lot happening outside of super-woman's recovery.

My 6-7-8-7-8-6 scores are probably a tad generous; #3 & #5 aside. Prettiness and Kajiura has that effect.
I generally buy everything sight unseen, except for special cases where I saw something in a cinema etc. My confidence that I will like something is directly related to how much I will pay. Given how much I have sent on this hobby over my lifetime and how many trips I've taken to Japan to load up on unseen things, I think you'll have to accept that I work by different rules to the majority of today's fans :)

I buy CDs unheard too; not a cheap hobby either when Japan and special editions are involved!

It's one thing to not think a particular show is worth this much or to find it hard to see how someone could like something unpopular, but to try to convince someone else, who has completely different taste, that the show they are buying isn't worth a completely arbitrary figure is doomed to fail. There is no universal "good" or "bad" when personal taste is involved, and that's why I don't put any stock in people rating shows out of 10 and collating those figures to define quality.

My fandom is a personal thing. And as this thread shows, there are a few of us out there with our own value systems.

I grade based on overall quality, rather than taste alone. It's true an additional point might be added or removed because of my in-built likings, yeah, but I'm far too critical to overlook flaws nowadays.

What I rate high is great, and what I don't isn't. And, if my memories are still fresh, I could argue - with the odd swearword - my points without issue.

It isn't a matter of taste that lead you to rating Code Geass R2, for instance, higher - it's you ignoring the flaws because of enjoyment. And R2 is a lot more entertaining than the lesser Kara entries, which are better described as dull.

Only those easily pleased argue that it's impossible to be objective. What's good is good, and what's bad is bad--there's nothing hard to understand.

PS: Send me more free stuff, since you have so much.
Slightly changing my approach to the topic, I do feel quite sad when I see how crummy things are in R1 - endless rereleases, rereleases of rereleases, increasingly grotty packaging (which I often have to replace because it has disintegrated in transit) and a much narrower focus on the genres being licensed have all been a problem in the last couple of years. So much so, that I barely have any purchasing backlog at all and am buying brand new stuff only, and even then barely anything is coming out that isn't a reissue of some kind or a terrible lightweight harem show.

The cheap sets are good for me from time to time as some real gems are coming out for insanely low prices, but there's so much dross and filler (reissues are useless to me since I always bought them the first time!) that I do find myself yearning for a time when things were actually released with pride. I'm buying so little new stuff lately from R1 (NISA pick up series I don't want, Bandai barely put out one disc per month these days, Sentai is mostly doing trashy shows with an occasion gem...) that sinking £260 into a decently done release is nothing.

I'm not sure if your packaging disdain extends to Funi's thinpack releases. I'm quite taken with them, myself, and am not too keen on the revival of art boxes. I've always liked ADV's older sturdy thinpack releases more, but the small shelf space required of Funi's attractive - if somewhat flimsy - releases makes me eager to buy more.

Sentai's basic two-disc case releases do annoy me, on the other hand, and I share your views on the titles they license. What they license is what you'd expect of ADV of old, really - lots of junk but the odd sparkling gem.

Like I said: I buy randomly myself, nine times out of ten. But I spend £18 per set, or get great deals via SS. So, from my perspective - even taking on-board the dearth of titles that interest you - it's on the crazy side to spend so much on Kara.

Random: if you don't plan on doing so already, make sure you get the Phantom art box release, next year. It's a quality show and well worth going for the collector's version of.
Rui said:
I generally buy everything sight unseen, except for special cases where I saw something in a cinema etc.
I don't buy as much stuff without watching it first, just down to my habits of watching a lot of stuff as it airs, but I do love the excitement of buying stuff unseen. I've seen some of KnK, but not all, so I guess that falls in the middle.

I also couldn't agree more with you about R1 releases, which is why the percentage of my spending has moved so heavily towards Japanese imports over time.
I think the comparison makes the blu look great, despite the griping on some other sites.

R (probably have to wait a few days yet before mine ships, and it will be by a slower shipping method boohoo...)
I think the DVD quality is too good if they weren't going to sort out the BD that much. What's the first image, though? Streaming? Her hair colour changes from that to the last even though the skin stays the same.