Just Finished Elfen Lied...

@Wolf (mainly)
That's why I tend to not know anything about what I'm going to watch other than the base story.. I didn't know anything about elfen lied when I watched it and I enjoyed all of it..

hype just wrecks things in my opinion.. something you would of watched and thought was great you may think it was just okay if you were expecting it to be the best thing ever made..
Lupus said:
It was fun. The opening episode were Lucy rips **** apart naked is REALLY over-rated though.

I liked it because I thought that Lucy's helmet looked awesome.

Haha, I ca'n't believe that the first thing you see on the anime is some mans' arm on the floor that has just been ripped off, only for the camera angle to change to see his head get torn off.
i love this series, and so does my boyfriend, it was his first anime(i forced him lol)

the story is great and pulls no punches BUT im not a huge fan of the animation style. i just dont think it suited the adult nature of the show. altho some people would argue that makes more of an impact or artistic flare which can be true, like an upbeat song during a disturbing moment, but i just didnt think it fitted at all.
I think it was interesting, but the compromise at the end plainly pissed me off. You either bury Lucy or you don't. The whole attempt at having a bitter and a happy ending in one, just so fans of both will buy their Lucy figures is perhaps not the best idea in terms of artistic value.

I mean, give the fans a lukewarm ok-ish ending, and they will remember it, yes, but thats all. It will be a memory.

But give them a well-crafted bitter ending, and it will burn into their mind.
Lucy Figures.. where?.. I want one!

I really didn't see a problem with the ending, Lucy goes off to fight and what not and then a shadow appears at the door.. could of been Nyuu after Lucy lost conciousness.. or Lucy's last act before she dies..

I don't see why the ending would make people buy figures more or less (mainly because there isn't any as far as I've seen)
I've got models of dead people in anime's/manga's.. the fact they died didn't change them or my wanting the models.
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A happy ending appeals to a larger audience. It is what most of us instinctively want: to rejoice at the end.

Why do you think most titles aimed at the general audience feature a happy ending? Because said general audience wants Lucy and Kouta to reunite, so they can go 'Awww...' before the cast roll appears.

Additionally, studios are well aware that the taste of the general western market may differ from that of Japan. Its business we're talking about, and the best way to be successful, on a grand scale, in the west, is to throw in a cliché they can appreciate.

It is exactly the 'could' that is the issue here. The audience is allowed, if not encouraged, to harbour of the two's possible reunion. If the silhouette was shown to be in agony, or bleeding, or something among those lines, I'd say, yeah, they sacrificed Lucy for a decent ending. There is, however, an absence of any such thing. I don't thing there is much moot as to whether the scene was put there to reassure viewers.

As for figures, it was a reference to merchandise in general, of which there is a moderate amount, considering that Elfen Lied is more of a fan title, and can not be considered mainstream when looking at the general visual entertainment consumer.

You have watched the anime because your view is broad enough to allow for an inclusion of more serious themes. As for the average person, who wants nothing more than popcorn and glamour, the fact that the show may be said (internet reviews, magazines, peers, etc.) to have a bitter ending, may very well be a crucial factor when making a decision about watching the series.

Let us just look at the film industry: If you want to sell out, make something predictable, cool and glamorous, with mono-dimensioned characters.

The sad fact is that people are rarely forgiving when you go and actually kill their beloved characters, however professional the matter in which you did it.

But yeah, I admit that my opinion is especially subjective, given my preferences.
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It's been so long since I watched this I can barely remember the end. But I remember that I did enjoy the series as a whole.

It was nothing spectacular or groundbraking, but it was a good emotional series that touched me in some of the right places. The plot was interesting and the gore never really seemed out of place as Lucy's violence was one of the main features of it.
Derfel said:
A happy ending appeals to a larger audience. It is what most of us instinctively want: to rejoice at the end.

I'm in the minority then - honestly, I'll take a bitter though more believable, well structured ending over a forced and unrealistically happy one. That said a well managed happy ending is no bad thing either.

Elfen Lied occupies an irritating middle ground where the viewer decides for themself. It's ambiguous so anything could be thought of it without much to prove otherwise. I don't hate the ending by any means, but it could've been a little more adventurous.

At a guess I'd say they left it that way so the possibility of a sequel wasn't ruled out.
I'm pretty much the same as you there Wildcard, the ending should be whatever suites the series best, not what will please a section of viewers by forcing a happy ending.

Well there isn't any lack of content, they could of easily added a sequel to it, but it didn't need it.
I would of been happy with the Manga being released myself, but that will never happen..
I can't argue with the statement that the suitability of the ending will -to a large extent- depend on the title itself, but that is the very reason why I believe that a downright bitter ending would have truly been the icing on the cake.

They included a considerable amount of cruelty and gore. This made the series a wonderful candidate for a truly devastating ending, which never came. It is like putting a drink in the fridge, leaving it there for three hours to cool, then, prior to drinking it, leaving it out to warm up. You have wasted those three hours.
I think that the ending suited the anime rather well. It was a thriller afterall, and people can think what they want regarding how it ends.

The cliff-hanger at the end was good. As we know, some people wanted a lovely romantic ending, some wanted a gory finish so that the anime finished in such a way which it is known for, some wanted a more simple and suttle ending, et ectera. As we all are aware of, we assume that at the end that is likely to be Lucy's silouette through the door, thus people can think what they want. The girls could imagine it finishes with Lucy coming back to Kohta and they live happily ever after, and the others could imagine that she storms into the building and takes everyones' heads off. How fitting.

To suit the atmosphere of the anime, I like to think that at after the finale Lucy comes back to kill everyone, despite how upsetting it is due to the amazing cast of characters and what they have went through. But that dog scene was upsetting too so it would not exactly be a surprise.
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Amray said:
To suit the atmosphere of the anime, I like to think that at after the finale Lucy comes back to kill everyone, despite how upsetting it is due to the amazing cast of characters and what they have went through. But that dog scene was upsetting too so it would not exactly be a surprise.

Amen to that, to be honest. If that actually happened, Elfen Lied would probably be in my top 5 ahaha.
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Elfen Lied is my favourite anime. I watched many great titles before it: Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Death Note, et cetera, but after I had seen Elfen Lied, it went straight to the top of my favourites. It just had everything that I look for in it and was directed by a genius.....a sick genius but a good director nevertheless.

The characters, the drama, the violence, the demonic and evil little girls in wheelchairs, the nudity, the plot, I just loved it all! What's more is that I really like anime series' that show passed events in them, and surely enough Elfen Lied did that with regards to Lucy's childhood: which was amazing to watch too.
Sorry if im late to this thread but i just finished the Elfen Lied manga.
Its 10x better than than the anime (I love the anime btw) and the end left me crying buckets.
i would give the manga a 9/10
Elfen Lied eh

I liked it... didnt love it.

For me it had the same problems Hellsing had. Poor animation and style that didnt match the plot.

It just felt like it was trying to be to much all at once and ended up being messy. You knew there was a good plot that had something to say underneath it all though.

I would love to see this remade with darker tone and a simpler more fluid animation instead of the character cut outs we got.