Japanese Movies


Over Christmas I’ve watched a handful of films made in Japan. They’re all a bit too obscure to warrant a thread of their own but I thought I’d list them and see if anyone else has seen any of them and what they thought.

Shikoku – A ghostly type horror film about a young women returning to the island of her youth to find that her best friend has died. But the dead girl’s mother is busy visiting the islands 88 temples, in reverse order, in an attempt to bring her back. It’s not very good really, apart from some nice eerie moments. It has a particularly poor ending.

Visitor Q – A Miike (Ichi the Killer) film that is without doubt the craziest film I’ve ever seen. It features a dysfunctional family and a random guest making their way through almost every dodgy act you can think of (Incest, rape, drug abuse, bullying, lactating and so on). But it’s all done in a surreal black comedy style so it’s surprisingly un-shocking.

Suicide Club (aka Suicide Circle) – A film by Sion Sion. This is another pretty weird film that takes you through a series of suicides that seem somehow related but can’t easily be linked or stopped. The suicides range from individuals leaping from buildings to some mass suicides at stations and schools. I really enjoyed this one but was left a bit confused in the end as to what had happened. And having looked at the boards on IMDB I’m clearly not the only one. This is the first one I’d recommend to others.

2LDK – This is one of a pair of movies made in the Dual Project. The two directors challenged each other to make a film about a duel to the death but set in only one location. So 2LDK’s sister film (Aragami) is shot solely in a temple and this film takes place in a rented apartment (2 living rooms, dinning room and kitchen). The duellists are to aspiring actresses who are auditioning for the same role. They are two very different characters and they soon become ‘confrontational’. This has some hilarious fight scenes involving all sorts of household appliances. Even a tatami floor mat is used as a weapon.

Hana Bi – a film from Beat Takeshi starring Beat Takeshi. He plays a detective who suffers several tragic misfortunes and tries to make a few things right. I loved this film. Of these films I’ve watched over Christmas this is the first that actually felt like a ‘proper’ movie, although it is still far away from a Hollywood level production. It has a nice mix of emotion, comedy and violence - not unlike his Zatoichi did.

Eureka – Saving the best till last. This is definitely my favourite of the films I’ve watched. This film deals with the after effects of a violent bus-jacking on the driver and two school children (a brother and sister). A beautiful film that drew me in and made me watch it right through in one sitting. I know watching a film in one sitting probably doesn’t sound very unusual but when a film is just shy of 4 hours long, shot in sepia, subtitled and features only four ‘main’ characters – two of whom are practically mute, it must say something about the quality of the film.

So has anyone seen any of these or can you recommend some other Japanese movies that I should see?
Havint actually heard of any of these, but they have piqued my interest, Eureka in particular sounds like my cup of tea.

Hmmm, have you seen Toni Takitani, its been a while since Ive seen it, though I do remember loving it.
Outlawstar said:
Havint actually heard of any of these, but they have piqued my interest, Eureka in particular sounds like my cup of tea.

Hmmm, have you seen Toni Takitani, its been a while since Ive seen it, though I do remember loving it.
Glad to hear they have caught your attention. If you get chance, do check out Eureka, as it really is a beautiful film. I haven’t seen Toni Takitani but it sounds quite interesting so I’ll check it out.

Another film I’ve bought but have yet to see is called Nobody Knows. It’s a tale of four children who are abandoned by their mother. It gets a lot of 5 star reviews on Amazon and 8.2 on IMDB so it ought to be a decent watch.
I was going to download Suicide Circle once, but while I was out and the torrent was downloading my mom deleted it on me believing it was some guide on how to commit suicide and I was going to use it. >_>

Though I don't have an uber passion for Japanese movies, probably because HMV never sells them besides Battle Royale which I <3. I still want to watch Suicide Circle though and Azumi.
I haven't seen any of those either (nor Tony Takitani, but I love the original story so I'll track it down sometime soon).

Azumi 1 and 2 are good action flicks (the first more than the second), as is Versus. You can't go wrong with Akira Kurosawa either - Throne of Blood is his most famous but I really enjoyed Kagemusha (sp?). If it's weirdness your after Takeshi Miike has it in spades - Audition is his best-known work but he's done a Dead or Alive movie that has almost no relation to the original game and The Happiness of the Katakuris is a marvellously zany family musical. Speaking of weird, Hideaki Anno has branched out into live action, in the form of Shiki Jitsu and Love & Pop; they're interesting movies but a bit indie and quirky.

Apart from the Katakuris my fave Japanese films have to be the classic Battle Royale, Ping Pong ("I can FLY!") and the Twilight Samurai (the same director as the Hidden Blade, which is also good as an historical romance/drama).

This is where I realise how much of my DVD collection is World/Far Eastern cinema...
Martin said:
You can't go wrong with Akira Kurosawa either - Throne of Blood is his most famous but I really enjoyed Kagemusha (sp?).
Alongside Sanjuro, Throne of Blood is my favourite Kurosawa film. I love it’s Noh style and I particularly love the scene with the witch/ghost/demon with the spinning wheel. Surprised you say it’s his most famous film though. I’d have thought that would be Seven Samurai or possibly Rashomon.

If it's weirdness your after Takeshi Miike has it in spades - Audition is his best-known work but he's done a Dead or Alive movie that has almost no relation to the original game and The Happiness of the Katakuris is a marvellously zany family musical.
The Happiness of the Katakuris is on my ‘to watch’ list - it does look fun. I guess everything Miike does is pretty bizarre. As I said above, Visitor Q is completely twisted – like nothing I’ve ever seen, but then I’ve not seen Ichi the Killer yet though. I’ve been putting that off because I believe that the UK and US version are around 9 and 7 minutes short of the original.

This is where I realise how much of my DVD collection is World/Far Eastern cinema...
World cinema is great! But it does have something in common with anime for me (apart from the obvious) and that is how I often feel a little self conscious in HMV when looking through those sections. With world cinema there's that feeling that everyone else thinks that you’re looking for French soft porn films.
Throne Of Blood is actually Macbeth, so probably one of the only times Kurosawa used something from the west rather than the west using his films for stories.
Ordered Suicide Club myself a week ago or so now,still has yet to come though ^^;

I really liked it even though I was left a bit confused by it. Let me know what you think when you see it. Maybe it'll all be clear to you!
harkins said:
Ordered Suicide Club myself a week ago or so now,still has yet to come though ^^;

I really liked it even though I was left a bit confused by it. Let me know what you think when you see it. Maybe it'll all be clear to you!

Well I've literally just finished watching it :D I wanted so badly to not be left confused at the end,but that just didn't happen.I think it took a nose dive at the part where the glam rock looking guy with blonde hair started singing hah From then on,I couldnt really make out what was happening except for the odd moment when I thought I was understanding :p

Despite that,very good.I would also recommend it :D
harkins said:
Ordered Suicide Club myself a week ago or so now,still has yet to come though ^^;
I really liked it even though I was left a bit confused by it. Let me know what you think when you see it. Maybe it'll all be clear to you!
Well I've literally just finished watching it :D I wanted so badly to not be left confused at the end,but that just didn't happen.I think it took a nose dive at the part where the glam rock looking guy with blonde hair started singing hah From then on,I couldnt really make out what was happening except for the odd moment when I thought I was understanding :p

Despite that,very good.I would also recommend it :D
Since you posted I’ve watched this movie twice more, once alone and then with a friend. Yet I’ve still no idea what it’s all about! But nevertheless I still think it’s great film and it has only reinforced my belief that you don’t have to ‘get something’ to enjoy it. Actually, in this case I don't think you're meant to 'get it'.

There’s something about the bit where Mitsuko takes to the stage in the Yoyogi stadium and is greeted by the audience of children (the suicide circle?) who applaud her. Despite being flummoxed by what was going on I just loved that sequence. And the creative use of a plane is erm… nice?
I've only seen Suicide Circle out of those but I'll try find the others, they sound awesome.

Out of what Japanese movies I liked are; Battle Royale (Duh xD) Suicide Circle, Tokyo Eleven, Sky High, Katakuri-ke no Kofuku (Insane XD) and I need to rewatch Returner because I fell asleep ;_; but it was good from what I saw~
There are spoilers in this post!

I still haven't gotten round to getting/watching Suicide Club!!
Visitor Q was probably the most bizarre film I have EVER watched. SPOILERS!!!! The man suckling on the woman's breast... that hit the gag reflex.. and the necrofiliac.. no no no!!

As for Happiness of the Katakuris, yes yes YES! haha. That is a fun film! SPOILERS!!!! I think my favourite part is when their first guest has committed suicide and they burst into the room with a song and not so much a dance but something dramatic. haha. And the little girl is so darling! When they're dancing at the end and she can barely keep up, so kawaii!!

Audition was a great film but how dare she do that to Gang!! *scowls*

Ring is excellent. Simple and brilliant! And Ichi the Killer!

Another one I really like is Sansho Dayu (Sansho the Bailiff). You'll probably only watch it once as it's very sad and tragic, but it's a very well told tale of two aristocratic children sold into slavery and... I'll say no more! If you're with a movie rental place add it to your list! I suggest this as opposed to buying it as it's a very good film but it's very slow paced. Don't expect sword fights and battles, it's not that kind of film. It's one of Kenji Mizoguchi's best works for good reason.

I have to admit I still haven't watched any Akira Kurosawa films, but I will! Just waiting for space in my room and the price of the DVDs to go down.
I have seen several Akira Kurosawa films: The Hidden Fortress, Sanjuro, Yojimbo, Seven Samurai, Dersu Uzala.

I have also seen several Takeshi Kitano (Beat Kitano) films: Hana-Bi, Sonatine, Violent Cop, Battle Royale 1 & 2.

I have also seen Ichi the Killer, Happiness of the Katakuris and Audition from Takashi Miike.

Then there is also Ringu and The Eye (not the poor America remakes).
Takeshi Kitano:

I saw Brother at the cinema - very good.

Zatoichi I have not yet seen though. I got the tin version when it was released on dvd but never found time to watch it (too much anime to watch).

I have recently got the blu-ray version. As I don't yet have many blu-rays I might just be able to find time for it.
mangaman74 said:
Takeshi Kitano:

I saw Brother at the cinema - very good.

Zatoichi I have not yet seen though. I got the tin version when it was released on dvd but never found time to watch it (too much anime to watch).

I have recently got the blu-ray version. As I don't yet have many blu-rays I might just be able to find time for it.
For some reason I like the ending credits of Zatoichi a lot. Let me know what you think once you've seen it.