It's happened! One Piece to be released from episode 1!

YAY! is all i can say. Tis extremely good news. Only a few months to wait too, and we can finally see One Piece uncut on DVD, it certainly deserves a proper release too. Can't wait.
Looking at the AoDVD forums, seems like in the past, FUNi have labeled things "Season 1", which actually, aren't season 1 at all. I was always under the impression that they were starting with the Skypiea arc onwards? Anyway, if any one can confirm for me that these are indeed the first episodes, I'll be buying this in a shot. If your holding out for a UK release, you'll probably be waiting forever.
Well, I'm going to have to wait for a UK release ... which means there'll definitely be a lot of waiting, but there are lots of other series I need to check out on UK DVD so I don't mind waiting! Still, once that UK release does roll around (c. 2156, I'm thinking!) I'll definitely be picking it up!
There are a lot of hints that point to it.

The amount of time from the announcement, to the release date, and the fact that Viz' edited release has been stopped.

It's labelled season 1, I know they could just label the start of the third saga as season 1, but it's very unlikely.

The most clear hint though, is from a Funimation representitve, who wrote:

lheiskell said:
We will be sending out a press announcement answering your question in a bit.

Bottom line...we just love making you wait. Plain and simple. We get so much joy out of this.

( know I'm kidding...) Just please be patient with us, you'll love the news.

So all in all, I'm very confident it's from episode 1, if it's not I'm going to look like a bit of an idiot for posting this : p
I think that Revelation might want a piece of the SJ Boxset thing Manga are doing with Naruto and Bleach, so we may see it.

Heck, Manga might even buy the rights if they're allowed.
Now this is something I am interested in, I have seen a few eps on cartoon network and really like it but can never bring myself to watch it regularly as its not exactly standalone eps. Which means if I miss one or two eps which is likely as I work shifts I will miss whats going on. Might have to invest in these releases though
Can't say I will be buying it, it never seemed to appeal to me. I might give it a try if someone I know gets it. I could be wrong in my first choice and end up on here singing it's praises.

I was always wondering about one piece because "waun piece"sp? is a way of saying dress in Japanese whether the whole series was going to end up a joke bassed on this.
If you couldn't tell already, I am a One Piece Fan, so i'll definitely be buying this.

It also says the same on - One Piece Season 1 Part 1, so it isn't like the website got it wrong.
The banner ads for this release on Funi's site have got Vivi on them, so I don't really think it's gonna be from the start...

...but I don't know what happens post-Alabasta, so I don't even know if Vivi is still around during the stuff Funi have already put on TV in America. Maybe she's just like...on the ad for the hell of it. =/
Aaron said:
The banner ads for this release on Funi's site have got Vivi on them, so I don't really think it's gonna be from the start...

The one with Vivi in, I think that's the Movie banner.

The one for the series has all StrawHat crew members in, besides Franky and Brook.
Ahhh...I didn't realise there was a banner for the movie too!

I only registered the "new episodes on CN" and "episodes DVD release" ones, but I've just seen the movie one, so it's very possible I got mixed up.

But now Funi is spamming Negima and FMA ads, and not showing me the series DVD ad. :mad:
This is really good news. One Piece should sell well, so I'm hoping Revelation or Manga Entertainment license this for the U.K. soon.

Please Anime Central, Jetix, whoever, please get One Piece on TV :D .
I know CN TOO and Jetix wouln't touch it now that it has the threat of Body Ketchup.

That and Turner and Disney are both idiots but that's another deal altogether.
this is good news.
as much of a big One Piece fan i am and i would love to get the whole collection to own, but i just personally feel that expense wise, it is only a dream
melonpan said:
There are a lot of hints that point to it.

The amount of time from the announcement, to the release date, and the fact that Viz' edited release has been stopped.

It's labelled season 1, I know they could just label the start of the third saga as season 1, but it's very unlikely.

The most clear hint though, is from a Funimation representitve, who wrote:

lheiskell said:
We will be sending out a press announcement answering your question in a bit.

Bottom line...we just love making you wait. Plain and simple. We get so much joy out of this.

( know I'm kidding...) Just please be patient with us, you'll love the news.

So all in all, I'm very confident it's from episode 1, if it's not I'm going to look like a bit of an idiot for posting this : p

I am too, I've been following this since it was announced and I'm pretty sure that Funi's announcement is that they've got episodes 1-144 now, after all Viz has been clearing out old titles and I really doubt they'll just keep them to aggravate both the fans and Funi.