Mad Scientist
Don't do it Dai! (don't do what Donny Don't does!)
I guess maybe I should think if there's any Fox stuff I really want, at times like this I'm glad that I don't really watch live-action stuff much lol.
Don't do it Dai! (don't do what Donny Don't does!)I guess maybe I should think if there's any Fox stuff I really want, at times like this I'm glad that I don't really watch live-action stuff much lol.
I still want someone to release Titan AE on Blu-ray.
This is the Beez version I'm assuming? The only Beez stuff I imported was the Gundam 0083 movie, Diebuster and a few of the latter Gundam Seed Destiny DVDs, as Bandai Entertainment used an incredibly incompetent replicator and there were so many bad discs out there. I think I got to the third replacement disc for second last disc in the series and gave up getting a fourth. From memory I think the Beez and Bandai Entertainment releases were out of sync in terms of episode content, so I had to buy two Beez discs to replace the one Bandai Entertainment disc.This line of thought was prompted last night when my DVD of Witch Hunter Robin vol. 2 embraced the teachings of the heart sutra--form is emptiness, and emptiness form. To the naked eye it looks pristine; it's just decided to stop being a DVD. I've tested it a dozen times on two BD players to no avail. The DB drive in my PC did manage to at least open the folder list on one occasion, but didn't show the VIDEO_TS folder, which probably means game over since I can't even rip the files.
No, it's the US Bandai release. I ended up throwing the disc away. One drop of that disc cleaning fluid was potent enough to fill the whole room with a noxious smell that lingered for hours, so I didn't want to put it back in with the working discs.This is the Beez version I'm assuming?
MVM’s Girls Und Panzer first release 2014 had a different kind of oxidation, a patch on the surface layer just lost the gold dye. It looks like a solar eclipse, a shadow on the disc, and it skips and freezes at that point. Luckily that’s easier to replace, and with a new pressing. The original release has white Region Code logos on the discs, the newest release has coloured.
I think I’ve seen a another disc with the same issue, but I don’t want to borrow trouble until I’ve watched it. I’ll add to this thread if the bottom does fall out of my world, as I don’t think I can replace that one.
So blu rays are just as susceptible, how depressing... Speaking of Eva, I'm hopeful anime limited will eventually get all the rebuilds and release a collector's edition boxset! One can dream.I wound up borrowing trouble. It was my single disc BD edition of Evangelion 1.11, a title well out of print
I’ve more dvds than blu rays because a lot of the films I’ve got have never been released on blu rayThis thread has me filled with dread about revisiting my dvd collection. Also though I'd generally buy blu rays, I wasn't averse to getting dvds.... Until now that is!
That is very much my hope too that even if one day my relic hardware gives up the ghost, I am able to still use emulators on modern devices (brain implants?) when in a care home, if I ever make it that far, to play these classics.Everything dies. Except the internet and x86 architecture, and as long as those continue to exist so will emulators and disc (or disk, or cartridge, or tape) images.
Ancient spirits of NewEgg, transform this decayed form to IBM PC Compatible, the ever... LIVING!
They might turn yellow and start to smell a bit, but at least they’ll never just vanish off your shelf!Emulators not working is the final straw! Sod this, I'm going back to just reading books...
Noooooooo! Oh well, all things fall apart after all...Watch out for bookworm and mould!
Quite true. After all, we're only about 3 billion years away from the Milky Way colliding with Andromeda, and sending the Earth ricocheting around in a game of interstellar billiards. That will be a bad day for everyone's DVD collections, even the ones in zip-lock bags.Noooooooo! Oh well, all things fall apart after all...
You know, exactly this is why I kind of shook my head and laughed upon hearing a lyric on American folk miserablist Bright Eyes' 2002 album Lifted; or The Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground some years ago.we're only about 3 billion years away from the Milky Way colliding with Andromeda, and sending the Earth ricocheting around in a game of interstellar billiards. That will be a bad day for everyone's DVD collections
Yeah, I've never been impressed by PCSX2. The few discs I've tried with it have been glitchy and inaccurate at best, flat-out broken at worst.Fun fact there still isn't a reliably stable PS2 emulator. And retroarch only JUST intergrated an alpha for PCSX2.