
I've done quite a few life drawing and portraiture classes before, but I still always need a reference to draw a decent piece. It seems like it takes a very long time to really become familiar with the human body...or just alot more practise than I give it!

Thats a really interesting site you posted there Outlawstar, I may have to use that myself in the future.
I also recommend looking at stock art on Deviant Art, or searching for stock on google. Stock art is great for ideas and reference, but you have to make sure you don't have to pay to use it!

I really like how you have used the real pictures as backgrounds iisan. I have seen it done in other pieces of art, but I never seem to be able to get it right myself.
Wildcard said:
Brilliant photo, love the angle and composition. If I can ask, where was it taken?
Yeah, it's obviously not Morpeth, unless it's changed a bit in recent years. ;)

Pretty cool photo BTW.
Thanks for the comments! It was actually taken in New York, we went there and to Washington on a school trip, and the first couple of days it was really misty like that, couldn't see the tops of a lot of the buildings. Pretty cool actually. We were scheduled to go up to the top of the empire state building that day but it was cancelled because you couldn't see anything but mist from the top!
Just completed my first colour piece since before the exams. I worked on this for most of the day, even if it doesn't really show. I put a lot of hard work into this one, and at the end of the day I'm pleased with how it turned out. Mushishi is awesome.

His face went a little green when I brought the quality down so try deviantart for the right colours.
Happy to recive advice on how to progress from here!
http://iisan.deviantart.com/art/not-so-boorish-now-128357225 said:
another drawing of kagura
I am over the moon how this piece went, I could not be more satisfied
now I'm going to enjoy the feeling of having improved for as long as I can before I spot something thats wrong with it.
I think using posemaniacs has definately helped me here.
did I mention that paintool SAI is awesome? it is.

this is her 'I got into the nationals!' face
...at least, in my mind.

thanks for looking!

PS: I actually spent over nine hours on this piece.
you wouldn't know by looking, eh?
Wow,an awesome photographer and an awesome artist,you're a double threat iisan!^_^Loved your Mushishi picture and you've really captured Kaguras energetic personality in your latest pic!May I enquire as to what software you are using?
Why thank you very much! ^^
The mushishi and kagura pics were both done in PaintToolSAI, which I've just started recently.
I strongly reccomend it, the english translated version is free to download.
Everything before that was in Photoshop. :)
Is there actually a version of SAI which stays free? The only thing I've seen for download is the 30 day trial. I ended up just buying it in the end, so if there is a free version, I may feel a bit of a right one.
Yeah, I was wrong. I got the impression it was free but the trial has run out so I guess not.
I need another copy so you know if anyone *cough* I'd appriciate a pm.
just a wip of what is basically a fake screenshot
did it to test out the fma style of colouring

not really satisfied with it
getting to the point now where copying a screenshot well doesn't give me that feeling anymore
guess it's cause I've done a couple of pics without reference now *shrug*
Eh, it probably depends how closely you're following the screenshot, but at a glance, I'd suggest rounding off the corners of his jaw and his mouth. You might want to strengthen the outline a little as well, just to make him stand out a bit more.

The colours are nice though and the eyes and nose look spot on.
Well I only really followed his hair line for line, I just used the reference for the rest to make sure I was staying on the style, and I changed the shirt completely. Yeah, I was thinking of thickening the lineart, I think I'll try that. Upon you mentioning it I've noticed some problems with his jawline (basically the fact that it's TOTALLY uneven) that I'll fix, thank you very much!