If I started my own country, would you swear allegiance?


My country would be called Kurasia, respectively.

Would you swear allegiance?

Keep in mind my savvy language skills and unmatched comedic ability.
No, but then I'm a treasonous swine who wouldn't even swear loyalty to this country.

However if you're up for a "hostile takeover" of Sealand I might be interested...
ayase said:
No, but then I'm a treasonous swine who wouldn't even swear loyalty to this country.

However if you're up for a "hostile takeover" of Sealand I might be interested...

lets talk weapon deals

i have a couple of nukes hidden under Blackpool tower and my own airforce next door to me
That might be overdoing it a bit in Sealand's case. A single AK-47 would probably do the job.

But then if I don't buy the nukes that leaves them in your hands Ryo... I wouldn't feel safe. So you got me, I'll take 'em. Plus with nuclear capabilities we might be able to extend our sphere of influence as far as Felixstow, or even Ipswitch.
ayase said:
That might be overdoing it a bit in Sealand's case. A single AK-47 would probably do the job.

But then if I don't buy the nukes that leaves them in your hands Ryo... I wouldn't feel safe. So you got me, I'll take 'em. Plus with nuclear capabilities we might be able to extend our sphere of influence as far as Felixstow, or even Ipswitch.

woah, woah, i said they're Blackpool nukes

the furthest we're looking is Manchester
Oh, they have to be launched from Blackpool? Well that's not much use to Neo-Seaon then is it? Deal's off I'm afraid.
Lupus Inu said:
I dunno why, but this entire thread had be laughing so hard. GG guys.

ur in the nw too lupis, any targets u want wiping out? check our leaflet, we have good offers getting better the more you spend.

act now and i'll throw in a HG GN-003 Gundam Kyrios at half price


We're not part of Celestrial Being, we are the Pah Wraiths
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
That all depends on the goal, climate and geography of Kurasia, Kuragane ^^.

More infomation is needed before I sell my soul.
You've already sold your soul to Anime/Manga! You dont have the 'cash to pay!'

Think I'd rather be a rebel/mercenary - the life just seems more exciting. :D
Maxon said:

Denial hits them so young these days ;)

on the gundam with nukes thing.....stop kidding yourself. Metal gear rex would do the job and a fleet of mooing gekko would tear apart any country.

bin laden....:lol:
In my capacity as newly installed President for life of Neo-Seaon and Governor of the Bank of Mothadonia I have today signed an historic deal which will forever change the balance of power in our world.

Long live the Seao-Mothadonian Empire!