I want to cry

Gekko Go

Happened to me. If you got it from a high-street store, try getting a replacement, even if you don't have the receipt. I got mine from Gamestation, and they were more than happy to replace it.
How long have you had it?
I had my first xbox for 14 months, it died, but around the time it died (or was it the second time? either way....) they uped the warrenty for the RROD from 1 year to 3 years, I did have to pay £80, but a couple weeks later I got a letter with an apoligy and a £80 check, so it got repaired for free.
Try ringing up microsoft and see what they can do, they will ask for the serial number and some info about you.
Roadie said:
Your loss, its got the biggest and widest game roster out there right now :)
Only because it's been out the longest. :p

Microsoft extended their guarantee to three years on this particular problem didn't they? (unless I misheard) Might be worth seeking out your receipt and giving them a call. :)
ah man sorry Gekko Go! I have never ever seen this before myself. I heard it happens with the ones made later on, is that true! Because me and my friends got ours in the second batch made so I guess thats why we've never seen it

If there was ever a dictionary for phrases with pictures - that would have to be the picture for "oh ****". I'm not making light of your situation as it must be so **** to be in that situation. Well at least you've got the good old dreacast to play on!
That sucks. I've had mine for a few weeks now, and I don't play it a huge amount despite having 4 games already. I think the likelihood of a 360 breaking down increses if it's on for long periods of time (gaming or on standby).
Deidara said:
Reason number 1 why I'd never buy a 360.
Because, as we all know, 100% of 360s break down. /sarcasm
lol...I'm on disc 2 and mine console is blatantly on the way out.

It's been going into serious meltdown recently, so I'm waiting for the big death. Don't even know if it'll be worth me getting a new one...this is my second one, and it's impossible to really get into anything because another crash is inevitable.

Might just trade my games in for PS3 stuff...I feel more comfortable playing games on something reliable. The 360 is just really poorly made...I'm doubting it's worth the hassle anymore.

Big deal if it's cheaper than the PS3...it's loud and unreliable. =/