How often do you watch anime?

How often do you watch anime?

  • Every day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • At least 3 or 4 days a week

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only at the weekends

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only if I can be arsed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Stand User
Seeing as the forum is growing daily! I thought I'd start an up-to-date poll, but with a variation on the actual theme :lol:

My curiosity knows no bounds and I was wondering how many people here actually watch anime every day? Is it something you always set aside a little time for? or is it a weekend only thing!

I watch every single day and an average of 4-6 episodes day.
I watch about 3-4 days a week normally.
But usually 1-2 episodes at most on a day, I like to savour things, even if im re-watching.
i watch it every day, even if it's only an episode or two. my viewing time goes up by a lot when i get review copies though. ;)
necromancer_1983 said:
I'd have to say 3 or 4 days a week because there's no "only when I have something new to watch" as a choice.
There wasn't an option for that, because it's not something that entered my head, as when I have nothing new to watch, I rewatch old favourites!
There is the odd day where I'll end up being too busy to watch anything, but in general I'll watch some every day- usually about 4-6 episodes per day at the weekend, and 2-4 during the week. I'm currently going through a spate of wanting to rewatch a lot of old series alongside the new stuff and the rental discs.
I haven't watched any of my anime DVDs for weeks!
I download fansubs, but only watch them when I can be bothered like everything else. There's not enough time in the day I tell you. :twisted:

But if it's something I really wanted to see, I'd probably watch it straight away.. so I'm going to pick the last option. It depends on how I feel and what I want to watch. *looks to her anime DVDs piling up* :D
Washington Dispensaries
Everey day if i can, but things come up sometimes, normally i can sneak in an episode or two into my hectic social schedule, betwwen, sleeping and eating that is LOL
To echo most replies thus far, I tend to watch a few episodes a day, although for some reason I tend to watch DVDs one episode at a time, to savour the DVD, while fansubs i'll watch one after another after another.

I watch anime every night, but sometimes I play games or draw. It's a time-consuming hobby. At the moment, I'd recommend "My Neighbours the Yamadas", Miyazaki's first anime!
I watch an average of 3-4 episodes, but as Concrete mentioned when reviewing it's more like 2-3 discs a day. Not that I'm complaining, the more excuses I have to watch more anime the better. ;)
Everyday, the other day i felt for some reason empty and really restless but i didn't have a clue why, it was the next day that realised why, i hadn't had a chance to watch any anime that day.

The amount i watch varies, all depends upon how much i have to watch, what the actual anime is like, and how i'm actually feeling. Watched 25 epidodes of Naruto over the three last days, i watched it for pretty much the whole day on Wednesday :D
I watch anime everyday: Hehe, especaily yesterday as i watched Monster ep 21-40 non stop. It's some good Monster dose,Now i'm very tired and need sleep.
I have to watch it every day if I don't I get major withdrawal symptoms

During the week I usually watch an odd episode a day when nothing is on tv because I prefer to save up the new stuff I get to watch at work, luckily my job is laid back so I can watch anime there.

I also get to watch it in the evenings as my girlfriends likes to watch her soaps so I sneak off upstairs and watch my dvd's.