How many of you do this.


Dandy Guy, in Space
How many of you watch or read a RAW of an anime or a manga as soon as it comes out even if you cant read or dont understand japanese.

And if yes why do you do so?
No. If it means so much to someone to keep up with the latest anime, or see the episode before everyone else, then I think that person has lost the plot slightly.

EDIT: I should add that of course not everyone does it for those reasons......
I have done this only once and that was for the newest Lupin III OAV Green vs Red. Even though I didn't understand the story it was still oddly fun to watch. I don't make a habit out of it though and wouldn't do it again.

I did it because Lupin III doesn't get subbed in English often at all.
melonpan said:
No. If it means so much to someone to keep up with the latest anime, or see the episode before everyone else, then I think that person has lost the plot slightly.


I have nearly finished watching TTGL as my local anime soc club, we watch 2 episodes a week and this anime came out what last year?

Why are there so many people demanding things instantly? Oh well each to there own I guess
I'll only download raws for stuff that I'm going to be watching mainly for the visuals. Ghost in the Shell: Innocence, for instance. I don't really care for Oshii's psychobabble, so not having to filter out the crap made the film a very nice visual and musical experience.
I downloaded RAW chapters a few times, mainly for the FMA and Berserk manga since those don't get translated as quickly as say... Naruto or One Piece or Bleach.
MrChom said:
I'll only download raws for stuff that I'm going to be watching mainly for the visuals. Ghost in the Shell: Innocence, for instance. I don't really care for Oshii's psychobabble, so not having to filter out the crap made the film a very nice visual and musical experience.
::surpresses urge to rage::

I'm calm, I'm calm. Everyone has a right to an opinion about Oshii's thought provoking masterpieces.

On Topic: I haven't done this yet. I do own R2J dvd's with no subs, but so far I've always watched the fansub first.
Done it on a few rare occasions, usually with more obscure stuff that no one seems to sub - but to be honest if I can't understand it then it's as if half the funs gone. Time to learn Japanese I guess..
ayase said:
MrChom said:
I'll only download raws for stuff that I'm going to be watching mainly for the visuals. Ghost in the Shell: Innocence, for instance. I don't really care for Oshii's psychobabble, so not having to filter out the crap made the film a very nice visual and musical experience.
::surpresses urge to rage::

I'm calm, I'm calm. Everyone has a right to an opinion about Oshii's thought provoking masterpieces.

On Topic: I haven't done this yet. I do own R2J dvd's with no subs, but so far I've always watched the fansub first.

I love Oshii's visual skill, I think he's a fantastic director on a purely graphical level, he knows how to frame stuff, what to show, how long to hold a shot, and what he needs to make a brilliant visual impact. Now, saying that I've always felt that he can take some very simple concepts and wrap them up in a lot of words to make them SEEM complicated, and that he really needs to cut back on the prentiousness.

Avalon, for instance, is a film he did that's full of "meaningful silences" that really serve very little purpose after the first one or two, the whole thing could have had 10 or 15 minutes removed by an editor to turn it from the interesting, but slightly drawn out, film that it is into something with a much greater pace that was a lot more rewatchable.

I level almost the exact same criticisms at almost every Oshii film I've seen. Admittedly, yes, I do severely dislike one concept being stated over and over again, and I do like a director to edge closer to the school of film that says you need to have pace, and flow in a film but Oshii's stuff just seems to drag on when it doesn't need to.

This is not to say Oshii's bad, I like watching his films, they do from time to time throw in an interesting concept but he needs to drop some of that pretentiousness and make sure his major dialogue scenes don't derail the rest of the film before going off on an analysis of the soul in a digital age, or of the meaning of reality in a world where people spend most of their time in a digital world, etc. etc. In fact, I'd say he could do with looking at Satoshi Kon and (for instance) Perfect Blue.

Kon simply assumes that the audience has the intelligence to grasp what's going on in the film, and piece it together for themselves, to sit and wonder what's real and what's not. On some level this is the same as Oshii's work but it never stops the film, sits you down, and forces you to listen to a discussion about it for ten just provokes you into wondering.

I admit that all this is personal preference, and personal opinion....but then so is everything that can be considered on an artistic level. If you think that Oshii's films are thought provoking masterpieces then that's fine, kudos, I've seen a lot of stuff to back that up in opinion pieces and even had this argument with two film studies students (That one went on for DAYS). I just like to throw a spanner in the mental workings from time to time :p
Ha, no, it's okay Chom - I did mean what I said about everyone having a right to an opinion! I love both Kon and Oshii's films, I find I enjoy watching one or the other's more depending what kind of mood I'm in.

I've heard it said time and time again that Oshii's films are pretentious or slow moving - even that he's a bad director. But I don't see it like that at all. Oshii's films are always about people first. Often people who feel very disconnected from the world around them (something Oshii must have experienced himself to get so deep into).

Perfect Blue is quite a good film to compare with say, Ghost In The Shell. Both feature female protagonists who begin to doubt their own minds, but Mima's doubt is caused by an external threat - there is no indication it was there before, whereas with Kusanagi (and Batou, but they both have different ways of dealing with it) right from the beginning the doubt seems to have always been there.

It's interesting you mention about the films derailing into philosophical and psychological concepts. Again, I've never really seen it like that - for me, those concepts were the point of the film, which Oshii used the plot to get across. I suppose I might find that preachy if I didn't find myself constantly agreeing with the conclusions he comes to.

At least we're both mature enough to agree to disagree. :)
Robbeech90 said:
Maxon said:
If you don't understand, then what's the point?

I dont know thats why I also ask "If yes why do you do so"
Unless you're wanting to watch an episode before anyone else, then there is no point. It's not as if anime is the best medium to learn Japanese (before anyone claims to be learning Japanese from it).

I also don't get why people have to watch something before anyone else.
Maxon said:
Robbeech90 said:
Maxon said:
If you don't understand, then what's the point?

I dont know thats why I also ask "If yes why do you do so"
Unless you're wanting to watch an episode before anyone else, then there is no point. It's not as if anime is the best medium to learn Japanese (before anyone claims to be learning Japanese from it).

I also don't get why people have to watch something before anyone else.

Thats a mentality ive never understood either...........I have nothing personal against these people tho
Maxon said:
Robbeech90 said:
Maxon said:
If you don't understand, then what's the point?

I dont know thats why I also ask "If yes why do you do so"
Unless you're wanting to watch an episode before anyone else, then there is no point. It's not as if anime is the best medium to learn Japanese (before anyone claims to be learning Japanese from it).

I also don't get why people have to watch something before anyone else.

Um Ok but I never said anything about wanting to watch anything before someone else I just hear alot about some people (extream otaku's) that do this and I wanted to know if there was anyone here that did it.
I usually only watch RAWS for dorama that I've really got caught up in. Coffee Prince comes to mind, it was just so much fun watching it at the same time as it was airing, then waiting for the subs and following the heated discussions and chatting until the cows came home. On the anime front most resently the BL series Junjo Romantica, it was such a ball :D
I'll also watch RAW anime and films that just don't seem to have subs available anywhere that I'm particularly interested in for whatever reason.
I do buy the odd manga in Japanese if I'm really keen on the mangaka's work, can't/will never find it in English, or in support if I'd read the scans, or if it's been sensored and I want to see the original. (I also buy the occasional drama CD that's from a series I really like and has a seiyuu cast that's a pleasure to listen to :p )
The only times I've ever done that is when I got over-excited about the latest Naruto manga chapters, usually when Sasuke was involved. I've only done it a few times.
Robbeech90 said:
Maxon said:
Robbeech90 said:
Maxon said:
If you don't understand, then what's the point?

I dont know thats why I also ask "If yes why do you do so"
Unless you're wanting to watch an episode before anyone else, then there is no point. It's not as if anime is the best medium to learn Japanese (before anyone claims to be learning Japanese from it).

I also don't get why people have to watch something before anyone else.

Um Ok but I never said anything about wanting to watch anything before someone else I just hear alot about some people (extream otaku's) that do this and I wanted to know if there was anyone here that did it.
I know you didn't. :roll:

I'm giving you the reason why people would do it. Your question doesn't leave much room for discussion, so I'm doing you a favour by making something out of it. You're welcome.
Maxon said:
Robbeech90 said:
Maxon said:
Robbeech90 said:
Maxon said:
If you don't understand, then what's the point?

I dont know thats why I also ask "If yes why do you do so"
Unless you're wanting to watch an episode before anyone else, then there is no point. It's not as if anime is the best medium to learn Japanese (before anyone claims to be learning Japanese from it).

I also don't get why people have to watch something before anyone else.

Um Ok but I never said anything about wanting to watch anything before someone else I just hear alot about some people (extream otaku's) that do this and I wanted to know if there was anyone here that did it.
I know you didn't. :roll:

I'm giving you the reason why people would do it. Your question doesn't leave much room for discussion, so I'm doing you a favour by making something out of it. You're welcome.

Um thanks but I'd still prefer if people duscussed why they do it.
I've seen anime raws before, but I do understand a bit of japanese. It's good enough to watch a naruto fight with little explanations, but it's bad for a complex dialogue things such as GITS...