Well it's been a long and winding road. It started before I knew it had, in the mid-80s, with the likes of Ulysses 31, Mysterious Cities of Gold and Dogtanian (Euro-Japanese collaborations), but they were mixed up with likes of Transformers and Thundercats from the States and I was under 10 so it was all cartoons to me.
The first anime I knew was anime was Akira and Legend of the Four Kings on BBC 2 and Channel 4 in the early 90s. But I didn't really pursue it at all, my main form of entertainment was another Japanese influence in gaming, I had a Mega Drive with a number of JRPGs. I then became a student and stuff like Pokemon and Dragonball I saw as kids stuff.
After uni it was back to gaming with PlayStation and Final Fantasy/Tekkan/GT. The next anime I remember watching was Spirited Away. I rented it from Blockbusters after it won an Oscar this lead to watching the rest of the Ghibli films on Film 4. I think I also rented the likes of Steam Boy and Metropolis around this time.
So next, in 2007, when my physical collection consisted of Akira, Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke (and The Animatrix), along came Manga Force and then AnimeCentral. This was the first time I had ever watched anime series (that I knew were anime), but whilst both were great for introducing me to lots of different anime, financially Manga Force was terrible (100 dvds at £8 each, especially as some series split into 4 or 5 parts were going for £8 as a collection!) and just one many poor financial decisions on my part. So again I couldn't pursue anime as an on going hobby.
So next we come to more recent times. After finally getting my finances under control I signed up to Netflix and watched the likes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Death Note, Attack on Titan and Bleach (re-watch from AnimeCentral). And then this year it sort of exploded with SyFy showing their series of films, of which I had only seen The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Your Name being massive (plus seemingly an anime a month being in the cinema, has that been a new thing this year?), VICELAND showing there series of shows and films and signing up to Crunchyroll (to continue to watch Bleach, which ironically has been on hiatus after that Bount arc). I've also been able to start buying stuff, although mainly films for the moment including the entire Ghibli Collection within a year (starting after Film 4 didn't show anything bar Wind Rises and Kaguya last Christmas). Oh and I reappeared here thanks to all that.
So there you are a mixture of TV, renting, cinema releases, purchasing and streaming (including the odd film/series illegally

). I still regard myself as a bit of a newb and it may even fizzle out as other procrastinations have come and gone in the past, but for now I've got lots of shows on my various queues.
Talking of newbs I think this forum could do with a glossary of terms as there's still some stuff I have to work out when I see it here, for example I saw AoA the other day and it took a while to work out it was Aniplex of America (I'd heard of Aniplex, can't miss it when seeing the little sting at the start of their shows, but didn't know that that was their full name).