How did we get here?

Did I say what was good or what bad no I didn't. That is for everyone to decide themselves. The problem with buying loads of dvds is most people can't afford it right now because of the ecomony. So that is a giant problem right there if a company needs to sell a lot of dvds. Cos most anime fans that I hang out with can't afford to spend alot of money on dvds at the moment.
@devilrules666 i wasn't being mean about it sorry it sounded like that :(

im not saying this for every else to follow as an example but if i was on a budget il buy the cheapest animes i can find like and probably buy 1 or 2 complete collections.

il support the anime industry by signing up anything anime based, go to conventions, hell if it was really bad il even do streaming * which i rarely do*, maybe make a few anime related videos on youtube.
Imo, pretty sure the enevitable outcome will be the death of the dub and possibly the death of physical releases eventually. As much as I hate it, Cruchyroll-style is how it's all gonna end up.

For someone like me that pretty much watches dubs exclusively and hates streaming anime, tis a bleak, bleak future. T.T
I don't know about everyone else but I was just planning on throwing money at the situation and hoping that things get better, I mean as consumers it's all we really can do.
kippy666 said:
I don't know about everyone else but I was just planning on throwing money at the situation and hoping that things get better, I mean as consumers it's all we really can do.

Yeah I'm gonna try and buy a few more series that I may have passed on before. Series I like still, but not necessarily ones I liked enough to watch frequently, like GITSSAC and Black Lagoon, but I intend to pick em both up now.
animefreak17 said:
@devilrules666 i wasn't being mean about it sorry it sounded like that :(

im not saying this for every else to follow as an example but if i was on a budget il buy the cheapest animes i can find like and probably buy 1 or 2 complete collections.

il support the anime industry by signing up anything anime based, go to conventions, hell if it was really bad il even do streaming * which i rarely do*, maybe make a few anime related videos on youtube.

This is part of the problem. When a company like Manga says it needs to sell say 1000 units to be profitable it is not counting on lots of those units being brought in the sales. I got the Eureka 7 movie in the sales for around £6.50 - I doubt it would help Manga if most of it's sales of that were at that price.

For the record if in the future anime became streaming/downloading only it would not bother me greatly - I would have more time to rewatch all the anime I already own (I have too many shows/movies that I have only watched once).
I want to know how the Aussie anime industry survives when the country has so few people.

And its not to do with the BBFC as the Aussies have the ACB who also charge money.
mangaman74 said:
animefreak17 said:
@devilrules666 i wasn't being mean about it sorry it sounded like that :(

im not saying this for every else to follow as an example but if i was on a budget il buy the cheapest animes i can find like and probably buy 1 or 2 complete collections.

il support the anime industry by signing up anything anime based, go to conventions, hell if it was really bad il even do streaming * which i rarely do*, maybe make a few anime related videos on youtube.

This is part of the problem. When a company like Manga says it needs to sell say 1000 units to be profitable it is not counting on lots of those units being brought in the sales. I got the Eureka 7 movie in the sales for around £6.50 - I doubt it would help Manga if most of it's sales of that were at that price.

For the record if in the future anime became streaming/downloading only it would not bother me greatly - I would have more time to rewatch all the anime I already own (I have too many shows/movies that I have only watched once).

..I have said this before, and I'll say it again. That's not how it works.
Project-2501 said:
I want to know how the Aussie anime industry survives when the country has so few people.

And its not to do with the BBFC as the Aussies have the ACB who also charge money.

Just because the country has a small population doesn't mean that it hasn't got a lot of anime fans. As the country is closer to Japan the Japanese may had a greater influence on them culturally. Also, as the countries are so close persumably importing things from Japan costs less and takes less time. Thus releasing anime may be cheaper than it is over in the USA or the UK.
Ian Wolf said:
Project-2501 said:
Also, as the countries are so close persumably importing things from Japan costs less and takes less time. Thus releasing anime may be cheaper than it is over in the USA or the UK.

Certainly doesn't make for cheaper releases.

Madman released K-on, on bluray, in July! BUT its nearly £6/ep!! 4 volumes, 30 aus$ per volume. Current market rates thats £81 for K-on on bluray. On DVD it still comes in at nearly £68. (madman RRP)

So Australia has a fanbase that are happy to pay for their hobby. And to top it off they get it earlier. If Manga UK released k-on in singles for that much the UK 'fans' would be moaning like mad about it being too expensive.

Dance in the vampire bund is listed at 60 aus$. (found it for 50 aus$ online) I think I paid £15 (or was it £10?) at the expo for the manga R2 release. Oh and the aussies have it on bluray.

So... what ARE we doing in the UK that buggers things up so badly? Maybe the UK fans need to bite the bullet and cough up some more hard earned for their DVDs.
The Aussies I believe have a slightly higher average income, which potentially transfers to higher disposable income. ... y_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita

It's been commented on far and wide, but UK consumers as a whole also have an inane drive to find things cheapest, regardless of quality, which doesn't necessarily seem to be the same in other countries, and again this could affect sales.

So it could well be a little of both sides, the Aussies pay more because they have a slightly higher average income, us in the UK could do with paying a little more.
I'm not complaining about low cost series, but ultimately, for the same costs, if a company could sell a similar amount for £30 as for £20, they'd make a lot more money.
Aussie dollar has dropped hugely in the last few years so their GDP has gone up. When it was 2.5 aus$ to the £ their GDP would have been a lot lower. They also have a high cost of living.

And yes, the UK consumer is a pissy little sod who cares very little about anything other than price but will whine like crazy when their bargin bucket purchase goes sour.
Project-2501 said:
And yes, the UK consumer is a pissy little sod who cares very little about anything other than price but will whine like crazy when their bargin bucket purchase goes sour.
Well, for countries that have to pay the large prices, that's been the norm for them for a while right?

Sure, while our £35 online price for the Samurai Girls BD may seem like an absolute bargain for say, Australia and Japan, as the UK has been fed relatively cheap releases in the last few years, of course the higher prices aren't going to seem very favourable.
I've always wondered how Australia has managed to sustain a healthier anime market than the UK. Someone here once pointed out that Australia's large east/southeast Asian population (mostly Chinese and Vietnamese-Australians) could be a factor.

The average Brit's endless quest for bargains could be another =D
Indeed, everyone has got used to £10-15 for a DVD series set and coming along with a price hike like that seems madness. But people have short memories and only 4-5 years ago we were paying £15 or so for a 3-4ep single release.

On the flipside, Madman isn't cancelling releases, it doesn't seem to be moaning about its sales and they get the job done in good time. The same can't be said for MangaUK and it appears Beez has shut up shop and gone.

Maybe the aussies just have sucky broadband so can't download fansubs very easily? Hmm... Telstra 200GB/month 88 aus$/month!!
Project-2501 said:
Indeed, everyone has got used to £10-15 for a DVD series set and coming along with a price hike like that seems madness. But people have short memories and only 4-5 years ago we were paying £15 or so for a 3-4ep single release.
*looks at the £120 I spent on the limited edition releases of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and the 13 volumes of Fullmetal Alchemist I own*
Yeah, I know what you mean. Yet these days if a series is released in that format (like K-ON!), people throw their rattles out of the pram - even though those 3-4 episode sets only cost about £11 online.

To be honest though, I'd probably prefer having to pay about £10-15 a month for a 3-4 episode single set then having to pay £35 in one go; even if it means I spend more in the long run, it means I have more money a month to spend on more important things.

On the flipside, Madman isn't cancelling releases, it doesn't seem to be moaning about its sales and they get the job done in good time. The same can't be said for MangaUK and it appears Beez has shut up shop and gone.
Also, I haven't heard of Madman being rude to their customers on twitter.
MangaUK also have the double foot shooting of people waiting for the BD k-on box set so not buying the DVD singles and now the same people are unhappy (with fairly good reason) and looking elsewhere. Same with Haruhi.
Project-2501 said:
MangaUK also have the double foot shooting of people waiting for the BD k-on box set so not buying the DVD singles and now the same people are unhappy (with fairly good reason) and looking elsewhere. Same with Haruhi.
Yup. MangaUK are lucky I'm impatient and own both K-ON! and The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya on DVD. However, I was willing to double dip and get them both on Blu-Ray (and I was particularly looking forward to K-ON!).

So will K-ON! Volume 4 be the last non-Kaze title MangaUK release that I buy? Who knows - we'll see what 2012 brings.