Hello there :3 Looking for friends


Completely Average High School Student
Hello. :3 I'm creating this thread hoping to meet some friends (relatively nearby) who share similar interests such as anime and the like, since my contact list is tiny right now. ;_;

I'm 18, male and in the Greater Londonish area. If anyone would like to chat I use MSN mostly feel free to add me. Looking forward to meeting new people. ^-~
Howdy.. I'm sure there are some people that live around London on here.

What kind of anime do you like and what are you favourite ones?
Here's some of them, among many others.

Code Geass (even if it's silly)
Gurren Lagann
Outlaw Star
Welcome to the NHK! (;_; )

Couldn't choose which to put as my favourite in my profile >.> I enjoy most things really, from action to romance/drama.
I like how you put "even if it's silly" after Code Geass but not Gurren Lagann =P - Both still good choices.

You should fill in your top 10.. or try to, it's harder to put them in order than it is to choose one ^^
I'll go do that now then. :3

I think the silliness in Gurren Lagann is to be expected since it's a super-robot show though.
JamesX said:
I like how you put "even if it's silly" after Code Geass but not Gurren Lagann =P - Both still good choices.

Gurren Lagann ain't silly, mortals simply can't comprehend it!
Oh yeah. I like that too, seen all the movies and both seasons.

And no, I'm not. But cat ears are fine. :3