Hell Girl and Simoun


I’ve not bought much anime for a while but I’m getting withdrawals. So after randomly browsing on-line seller’s sites, these two series’ have caught my fancy.

Anyone seen either of them and has any thoughts?
I have been getting both of these titles from the US.

Simoun is a Yuri title that is not dubbed. I have only got the first disc at the moment so can’t say how much overtly lesbian stuff is in the series. The idea behind the series is what got me interested as I did not realise it was Yuri if I had I may have thought again, but I would then have missed the animation which is pretty good. The story is about a world where everyone is born female at around 17 they can choose which sex they will be.

The world is at war with one side being a very industrialised nation which is choking on the pollution it has caused who are going after the country in charge of the Simoun of the title. The Simoun are aircraft made using clean technology supposedly from the gods. The Simoun’s main purpose is as a device to worship the gods by putting on displays of specific forms in the sky, but in times of war these Ri Majon can be used to destroy the enemy. In this first set of episodes we find out that the industrial nation also force there children into one sex or other at birth using surgery and drugs.

What I have seen of the series seems to be written to be relevant to the world we find ourselves in today, with pollution and freedom of choice being high on the story tellers agenda.

Hell girl is the story of well I am not quite sure as we seem to be teased with the possibility of Hell Girls back story but in reality after two discs we have not really been given very much, although something seems to be coming as they have introduced a couple of characters that have hung around a bit. Hell girl is very episodic in it’s layout up till now, each episode we he some person that feels they have been wronged. There is a web site that only appears at midnight each day where they can enter the name of who has wronged them, the Hell girl then decides whether to turn up and offer her services to take the person named to hell, but there is a catch the person that called Hell Girl will go straight to hell when they die so they need to decide whether revenge is worth spending eternity in hell for.

Even though I have said it is episodic and may be a bit slow I will finish buying it as I feel it may be just one of these series that takes a little while to warm up.
Short answer: - Simoun is good, Hell Girl (Jigoku Shoujo) looked kinda meh and I didn't bother watching all of it.

First thing to mention about Simoun is that it's a shoujo-ai/yuri series (or "girls kissing", to avoid confusing terminology), so if you don't like that, forget about it.
Simoun has an interesting sci-fi/fantasy vibe about it. While superficially the technology is very advanced, the manner in which it operates, as well as the archaic religious system with a seemingly extant deity, give the series a fantastical air to it. This duality is expressed fairly well in the deity, Tempus Spatium ^^
The story in Simoun has two major elements - first the war, largely beyond the control of the core protagonists, yet ever-present, and the second, the relationships between the main characters. As a war story, I think it's done fairly well - both sides have reasons for fighting, neither side having a monopoly on good or bad people, people make good descisions and bad ones. Basically, it has a feeling of realism to it - maybe not as harshly as something like NTHT does, more shocking scenes kept firmly at a distance in Simoun - but if war is portrayed I prefer it not to be just the goodies beating up the baddies, then everyone lives happily ever after. The relationship side of things is also handled well. It's nothing as tempestuous as many dramas, the characters and the relationships between them slowly outlined and developed as the show progresses, so that by the end of the series you're able to understand the choices each one has made.
Other considerations... the artwork was good, effective... the clunky CG much less so, definitely the worst thing about the series for me. I quite liked the OP and ED themes, although I didn't notice anything special about the soundtracks used throughout the series - but then I usually don't.
It may not be something to sit down and watch for some light entertainment, and it's certainly got it's flaws (not least of which is the suspension of disbelief necessary to accept the basic premise), but I'd still recommend it to anyone who watches much anime.

On Hell Girl I've got much less to say (which I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear :p).
From what I watched (I dropped it after a handful of episodes) it's a very episodic show, in a monster-of-the-week variety, except that instead of a monster it's someone else getting rather spectacular revenge, then having their soul taken. Doing an episodic show is difficult - while series like Mushishi may be able to make each episode interesting enough to keep people coming back to them, others - like Hell Girl - don't have the same creative spark. I found the episodes unmemorable, with characters whose development was so brief it was hard to sympathise with them.
What I've heard from others who've seen the series in full indicated that while the motivations of people calling on Enma Ai (the hell girl herself) vary, and our red-eyed protagonist gets given some character development, any sort of underlying plot is, while present after a time, somewhat sidelined by new characters seeking revenge.
Hell Girl's popularity can be seen by the fact that it's getting a third season now. So it's pretty awesome?

From the few episodes I've seen of it. It's incredibly well written, has a unique drawing style and is just in general very clever. I could write more.
melonpan said:
Hell Girl's popularity can be seen by the fact that it's getting a third season now. So it's pretty awesome?

From the few episodes I've seen of it. It's incredibly well written, has a unique drawing style and is just in general very clever. I could write more.

From what I have seen of Hell Girl it is not a bad series. I just don't think I would be able or really want to sit through it in one go and still want more as I do with many series. I have only watched vol 1 and 2 so far but what I want from it now is to start giving us more back story and maybe introduce a more long running story thread.
Dracos said:
melonpan said:
Hell Girl's popularity can be seen by the fact that it's getting a third season now. So it's pretty awesome?

From the few episodes I've seen of it. It's incredibly well written, has a unique drawing style and is just in general very clever. I could write more.

From what I have seen of Hell Girl it is not a bad series. I just don't think I would be able or really want to sit through it in one go and still want more as I do with many series. I have only watched vol 1 and 2 so far but what I want from it now is to start giving us more back story and maybe introduce a more long running story thread.

I'm sure it will do eventually. Is it possible to make 70+ episodes of one-off stories? I'm sure it will do somewhere : p
Thanks for the informative answers. I’ve just ordered the first volumes of these as they both sound like decent series.

Sometimes I think episodic series are a good thing. So many 26 episode anime that have one running storyline are horribly stretched out and are filled with unnecessary sub plots that often only break up the momentum of a good story.

The sad thing is that with Hell Girl, despite the first volume coming out here next month, I’ve had to go with the R1 release as having seen Revelation’s release schedule for Hell Girl R2; it’s just not a serious option.
harkins said:
The sad thing is that with Hell Girl, despite the first volume coming out here next month, I’ve had to go with the R1 release as having seen Revelation’s release schedule for Hell Girl R2; it’s just not a serious option.

Positive thing you mean : p. The artbox is absolutely awesome!
It looks as if the UK is getting the same artbox as the US, going off the image on Amazon.

But anyway, despite a gorgeous artbox and other artistic positives about the series, I’m finding that after watching three episodes that I feel like I’ve seen them all. I’m hoping that some variation to the stories will occur soon but I’m not holding my breath!

One thing that has really troubled me in the first three episodes is that all the scenarios I’ve seen so far have left me thinking that there are definitely better ways to deal with these problems than condemning yourself to an eternity of pain and suffering in Hell. Most people fear death enough as it is, without knowing for sure that it’s followed by that!!

Perhaps a grave but less infinite trade off for vengeance would have worked a bit better.

Another issue I have is that there has so far been a rather judgemental attitude shown by Ai’s assistants towards the ‘bad guys’ that they’re sending to Hell. But it doesn’t seem right that they should be passing any opinion at all. Like, if they’re so sympathetic toward the victim, then why do they allow them to seal such a grim fate? Surely they should do more to talk them out of it?

Anyway, I’ve got a couple of more episodes to watch so I’ll see how I feel about it then. Hoping that Simoun will be the super show I’ve been waiting so long for.

Apart from that I guess I’ll just have to wait patiently for Denno Coil. I’m convinced that will be the show that restores my slightly wavering faith in modern anime.
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harkins said:
One thing that has really troubled me in the first three episodes is that all the scenarios I’ve seen so far have left me thinking that there are definitely better ways to deal with these problems than condemning yourself to an eternity of pain and suffering in Hell. Most people fear death enough as it is, without knowing for sure that it’s followed by that!!
You're absolutely right, and I think that the series tries to get that message across to people. A kind of cautionary tale, if you will.
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Agreed, but... I don't think it's quite managed to get across that feeling of '****, what have I done?!' after Ai has concluded her work. The school girl in the first episode just smiles and skips off to organise the school sports day. If it were me, I'd spend the rest of my living days feeling a bit sick and very worried. And knowing that there's no way to avoid this destiny. Not even that usual final escape plan of suicide. God, even just thinking about such a fate makes me feel horribly anxious.
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I think there have been a few episodes where the person that called the Hell Girl has started to waiver but something normally happens to make their mind up at the last minute.

They have hinted at back story but not done much more on the 2 discs I have seen. On vol 2 they seem to have introduced some characters that have lasted a few episodes so hopefully they may form part of a longer story.
Simoun looks really BAD but Hellgirl is excellent, from the studio what did Shining Tears X Wind and Loki Ragnarok, I don't know about paying for individual DVDs though, unless you are addicted.

Id wait for boxsets.
Hell Girl is a brillant show and is up to its third season in Japan which proves that its a good show and that there are still plenty of stories to be told.
The animation is excellent and i find the individual stories interesting and they dont repeat the same chain of events.
It starts off as episodic but towards the end it changes and the last few episodes focus on the back story of Ai Enma and also how she releates to Tsugumi Shibata.The series finale is brillant and i think that its worth watching at least once.The Second season gets even better. :D
Also they have nearly finished releasing the series in the US so hopefully a boxset will soon be available :wink:
Theres not really anything new I can say; most of it's been covered.

The first 7 episodes of Hell Girl are very episodic, with no real story, but that doesn't mean its bad (in fact its very good). Episode 8 sees two new recurring characters introduced, and from this point we start to see more of a story unfold. Its very well thought out series, unique animation, style and development. Its just a different and refreshing take on anime, imo.

I've seen it before (naughty me), but am collecting the R2s.
Only seen a couple of episodes of Hellgirl, but I can safely say it seems to fall fully in the 'monster of the week' catagory, which instantly kills much of its appeal for me. More than that it seems particularly weak in its premice also. Very meh to me from what I saw.
I struggled a bit early on with Hell Girl due to it’s episodic nature. Plus, as I mentioned earlier in this thread I have also struggled with the idea that anyone would pay such a huge price for revenge.

But despite these issues I've stuck with it, as I do like a lot of the drawing style (particularly Hell Girl herself and her home domain) and the general atmosphere of the show (not scary but gently macabre). And as it has progressed it has seen the introduction of some extra regular characters that have helped give it a continuous element. I’m now up to episode 18 and it’s proving to have been worth sticking with.