Have you ever...?

ilmaestro said:
Tachi said:
HYE bought a new pair of jeans or trousers only to take them back a few days after because you've grown

Yeah, when i was in school my mum bought me some new trousers but the leg length on them was too short because i'd grown since she last bought me trousers and as she bought the same size as last time she didnt take into consideration that i'd grown lol
st_owly said:
Yes. When I had my braces put on, and when I had my ears pierced. Now when I get piercings done I have Red Bull beforehand.

HYE eaten rabbit?

Not to my knowledge, but if horse got into the good chain, rabbit might.

HYE got annoyed with people expecting you to go back at full steam after 2 weeks off?
Kite said:
st_owly said:
Yes. When I had my braces put on, and when I had my ears pierced. Now when I get piercings done I have Red Bull beforehand.

HYE eaten rabbit?

Not to my knowledge, but if horse got into the good chain, rabbit might.

HYE got annoyed with people expecting you to go back at full steam after 2 weeks off?

Every single time i'm away from the office, the mountain of work they leave for you when you do return honestly makes me wonder if i should take time off at all.

I've been on long term sick since november so whenever i go back i'm dreading the masses of work that'll have built up.

HYE fallen whilst trying to walk up stairs? (no alcohol consumed at the time)
Haha yeah all the time :p the worst is that "5 more minutes" sleep in a morning

HYE had to escort friends home as they are so drunk they can barely walk - i had that "pleasure" at 3am this morning
More like help get a taxi for a friend that wouldn't go quietly at first. It took 3 of us to help her get into the taxi with 2 assists keeping an eye on her. The reward was to hear the kind of half-baked logic you get from someone completely thrashed. :D

HYE been to classes for performing arts? (Drama/Dance/Singing)
Was part of a drama group at school and initially quite enjoyed it but the teacher became... gradually more odd and unhinged, which weirded me out and I decided to leave. She did in fact have a breakdown not long after (as did at least two other teachers at that school in fact).

Have you ever driven in a country which drives on the other side of the road?
Tachi said:
ilmaestro said:
Tachi said:
HYE bought a new pair of jeans or trousers only to take them back a few days after because you've grown

Yeah, when i was in school my mum bought me some new trousers but the leg length on them was too short because i'd grown since she last bought me trousers and as she bought the same size as last time she didnt take into consideration that i'd grown lol
lol, I thought you were implying that you had grown too much in the few days since the trousers had been bought! :p
No, but I was a guest of a friend's mate's house, and his dog tried to rip a hamster in half. And he was looking after that hamster for a friend... So More of an observer than someone actually part of the theme.

HYE taken eye-drops at all?
Yeah, sometimes I feel so sluggish, I try to lye down in bed and wish the sun would stay low for longer... So far, my wishes haven't been able to keep it at bay. :D

HYE been to the top of a mountain or it's trail?