Gilgamesh & Cromartie High School to air on UK TV

Redemption looks more like an "Alternative" music channel - so a range of punk, emo, rock and metal. Both Gilgamesh and Cromartie (the dude with the mohawk at least looks like a punk) will suit their audience quite well, so they were good choices on Redemption's part.
i think this is good for a music channel who are trying to be 'out there' now hopefully this will lead to a good anime block, there are plenty of dark/action heavy animes which could fit in well.
my suggestions
chrono crusade
and lots of the older anime horror movies
+non anime spawn series
ardish said:
i think this is good for a music channel who are trying to be 'out there' now hopefully this will lead to a good anime block, there are plenty of dark/action heavy animes which could fit in well.
my suggestions
chrono crusade
and lots of the older anime horror movies
+non anime spawn series

Chrono crusade and Bleach aren't that dark or heavy, So I see more of them on rapture than Redemption tv.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Depends what you call goth. Some people call David Bowie and the Delgados goth music.

If you won't watch a channel just because it looks a bit 'goth' then you're a pretty closed minded person.
:lol: I remember "Goth" was "Black Sabath", "Megadeath", and "Kiss" to name a few. :lol:
Megadeth have had like 3 good songs, so it isn't important how you spell their name. [Makes anti-Mustaine barrier]

But yeah, regardless of what music is on there, it's free anime in a way. 8D
The only truly goth album. Relatively. Well, there is Seaming and Yoh-Chu-Sha and 008, but you'd be less likely to find any of them on CD.

I like the so-called "gothic" look (which seems more Victorian than medieval), as I like any extravagant ethnic style, but I can neither understand nor tolerate its association with rock music and horror films (neither of which I normally like). Due my significant distaste for such grunge I've started to consciously distance myself from anything which could be described as gothic (ie. by reading Cardcaptor Sakura and Ouran Host Club instead of The Tarot Café and Angel Sanctuary) and "Rococo" has superseded "Lolita" as my favourite word. But I agree that a significant part of the problem is in people mistaking emo for goth, and I still enjoy Rasputina as an Okashina Okashi-style parody of western gothic culture.
So what about the music on the channel. Rapture plays clubbing music and Wolf's rain and FMA are hardly hardcore rave cartoons. And if you dont like the music on the channel, just switch or only turn it on when the shows play.
Well, I spent the entirety of last weekend in Whitby and I can assure everyone that gothic culture is alive and well! As for the channel, it seems quite varied with 'alternative' being the best umbrella term I can come up with for it - certainly something I'd like to tune into every now and then.

I used to think that certain anime has to be shown on a channel that shares its themes and atmosphere but Rapture was a pleasant surprise so maybe this isn;t such a strange combination after all. If anything, showing anime outside of sci fi and kids' channels will broaden the audience.
kinda reminds me of early days of skuzz, or P-rock. Man i used to love watching P-Rock. so many happy memories! Sucks that Redemption havent got a webfeed like rapture, but it guess its because their primarily still a music only channel.
Was it P-Rock or Scuzz that used to show Colorful? I'm thinking it was Scuzz, but I'm probably wrong.

Scuzz seems really cheap now, used to be really cool, now it's a crappy mess. :$
You mean that show with the anime clip of some shoe salesmen trying to sneak a panty shot of a chick? Scuzz i think, before it went cheap norweigan gothicy/progressive.
Disco Machine said:
Was it P-Rock or Scuzz that used to show Colorful? I'm thinking it was Scuzz, but I'm probably wrong.

Scuzz seems really cheap now, used to be really cool, now it's a crappy mess. :$

better than Kerrang, that's for sure. For a channel priding themselves in being alternative, they sure are pretty mainstream...
Wow once again im screwed before even reading this, its a shame NTL dont pick up any small channels and i get stuck with all the sh**ty jetix, cartoon network and toonami channels. Gah never mind, i probably wouldnt have time to watch em anyway.
I might be stating the obvious,but it looks like the minourity channels are using us anime starved fans to boost their ratings and get the word out,because I never heard of this channel before.

You never know MotorsTV might pick up something like InitialD, AnimalPlanet shows Kiba the Lion and maybe even Sci-fi channel showing something/anything again(but don't hold your breath).

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