Ghost in the Shell - Lots of action and atmosphere

I feel this would probably have a better chance if someone like Ridley Scott was involved rather than Spielberg. Take Blade Runner and lighten the atmosphere a bit (less mega buildings and pollution), mix in a bit of the Kubrick section of A.I and some IRobot and you could have the start of something good.

The problem with casting I feel is not the Major there are enough actresses that would look good in a skintight jumpsuit and be able to deliver the lines well enough. Batou on the other hand has quite a distinctive look, and whilst looking musclebound at times he is intelligent and would need someone to be able to pull that off. A big Trouble In Little China era Kurt Russell would have fitted Tougusa.
That's really my point about the casting of this. It's not just a matter of getting the right lead to play Motoko - all of those characters need to be nailed. There's very specific traits to each of them. There's also the issue of how well they work as an ensemble. It's brilliantly judged in the manga, and carried over well into the SAC series.

Personally, while I doubt it would happen, I'd be thrilled to see some of the English voice actors turn up in the live action movie. Even if only as cameo appearances. How cool would that be?
HdE said:
Personally, while I doubt it would happen, I'd be thrilled to see some of the English voice actors turn up in the live action movie. Even if only as cameo appearances. How cool would that be?

Depending on how they look and what acting experience beyond voice acting they have it is not beyond any possibility that we could see a scene in which Richard Epcar hands they guy playing Batou a report or his ammo.
Dracos said:
Depending on how they look and what acting experience beyond voice acting they have it is not beyond any possibility that we could see a scene in which Richard Epcar hands they guy playing Batou a report or his ammo.

That's EXACTLY what I mean!

Come to think of it, Epcar does have a few live-action roles to his credit. Same goes for Mary McGlynn.

And just to stir the pot - what are the Hollywood guys gonna do with the Tachikomas / Fuchikomas?
As the film is supposed to be based more on the manga I don't know what they will do with the Tachikoma. But seeing as they are a very easily recognisable and popular part of GiTS SAC they would almost be stupid not to use them in some form.
Yeah - that's gonna be one of those 'is is faithful to the first movie or the manga' sticking points. Oshii's first GITS movie - and Innocence, for that matter - completely bypassed the little fellas. One of the reasons why I love SAC so much!
There is a small chance that they will stick to the source, and make a good film.

Else its going to turn into a Dragonball butt fcuk fest of epic proportions...

Could we see Steven Seagal play Batou?

TBH i like the Manga and the film, plus SAC so i don't care which they choose from (or make a new story) as long as its good...
Hokum said:
Could we see Steven Seagal play Batou?

Good LORD I hope not! :wink:

Hokum said:
TBH i like the Manga and the film, plus SAC so i don't care which they choose from (or make a new story) as long as its good...

I think the great thing for all of us pre-existing fans is that we'll always have those things, the books and movies and SAC. If a live action movie does the business, that'll be a bonus. But if it generates a few more fans, then that'll be something good in and of itself.

I recently watched all of SAC with two friends who weren't especially sold on the idea of anime. They lapped it up, and now they want MORE!
Hokum said:
Could we see Steven Seagal play Batou?
He's actually a cop. Seagal has been working as a fully commissioned deputy with the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office in Louisiana. Has his own programme on "The Crime and Investigation Network" "Steven Seagal, Lawman" (Snark, snark), He's too porky to be Batou.
Steven Seagal is a real life cop now? Wow - truth IS stranger than fiction!

As for the issue of who could play Batou - well, Batou's pretty porky anyway, isn't he? :wink:

The crazy thought struck me that maybe Epcar could do it for real. I mean, given the appropriate make up and stuff, I reckon he could carry it. We'd get the bonus of hearing Batou's English dub voice every time he opens his mouth!

Of course, I don't seriously expect that'll happen. But it's be nice...
That'd be kinda cool- because as far as I'm concerned, any new Ghost In The Shell is a good thing. But I reckon that route might be a bit of an odd one to take.

The possibilities of a live action Ghost are pretty intriguing. I'd LOVE to see that world realised and fleshed out as 'real' images on a cinema screen, just the same as I'd love to see a live action Appleseed.

But producing another animated feature... I'd confess that I'd be thinking 'what's the point?' I'd rather have another series of SAC, if it came to that.