Ghost in the Shell 2.0 is announced


Ghost of Animes
<strong><em>Ghost in the Shell 2.0</em></strong> is a <a href="">newer "version"</a> of the original 1995 sci-fi classic by <em>Mamoru Oshii</em>. It has been completely remastered (in terms of visuals and sound; including a new 6.1 audio mix from Oscar-winner <a href=""><em>Randy Thom</em></a>), while the original Japanese voice cast have been brought back to re-record their dialogue too. If you're interested in seeing just how much it has changed, a trailer for the movie has been <a href="">posted online at the official website</a> for <em>Mamoru Oshii</em>'s next anime, <em>The Sky Crawlers</em>, and several after-the-remastering images can be viewed at the (Japanese language) <a href="">website Ticket Pia too</a>.

<em>Ghost in the Shell 2.0</em> will be out in Japanese theatres on July 12th, and we'll be keeping our fingers crossed that a worldwide release schedule is unveiled soon after.
It better be part of Bandai Entertainment (and seemingly Beez)' "new era", like seriously, I want to see this as soon as it's released in Japan. Along with the Sky Crawlers. It's pathetic how Japan is still moving towards a seemingly invisible goal (to them) at the same pace as when the market was booming, i.e they still don't give a **** about any industries outside their own.
Im all for GITS but I dont really see much point in this, why not confirm SAC3 already.
I mean its a bit shinier but I think the original visuals are half the charm.

Well it *looks* impressive, but I'm fearful of the possiblity of George Lucas-like tinkering with a masterpiece that doesn't really need it.

Can't really judge it 'til we see it, I suppose.
I'm not keen on the blatent CG version of Motoko in the first image compared to the second. And like Outlawstar said, the original visuals are part of the charm.

But we'll see.
I've seen some screenies, and they do indeed look noticably improved on a side-by-side comparison. Still, the film has aged quite well anyway so I'm not sure why they're going to the trouble of this when a polish and redubbing isn't particularly necessary. Sky Crawlers is higher on my list of priorities.

It goes without saying that I'll still watch it if it ends up in the cinemas internationally, of course!
I'm quite excited about this because I really liked the look of the screencaps. That and hearing Kenji Kawai's score in remastered 6.1 sound will be a wonderful experience. The kind of thing that just has to be seen on the big screen.

Now if only they can give her some clothes.... That would be a major improvement.

But I agree with most people on 'not need a remaster'. It's already aged well, it's still fun to watch (baring the naked Motoko) and the visuals are still nice.

But I do like the look of the visuals... but meh =P If it's a director cut with more scenes, then I'll give it a shot.
Hmm... just watched the trailer. Doesn't seem really needed but if they were doing anything they should have digitally added Batou's ponytail. :p

I guess one way of looking at it is that they are trying to create visual continuity with Innocence. At first glace there seems to be a lot less greens and blues from the original and more of an amber/orange lit city look that the city had in Innocence. Should be nice to look at but I'd rather have a third movie and have it round off as a trilogy of films rather than just a retooling of the previous.
Figures. It always was Style over Substance. I do hope though, that if Manga grab it for re-release here, they do take a cue from the Japanese version and redub it. I'm no fan of dubs, but GitS is an atrocity by modern standards, particularly Motoko. Even Manga were discerning enough to axe her.
Chrono Mizaki said:

Now if only they can give her some clothes.... That would be a major improvement.

Now why would you do something like that :lol: :p

Since im an idiot and will buy blind with anything GITS, il probably get this if its released on DVD, and I'd love to see it in the Cinema's

:) All is good :)
just watched the trailer.. yep, it's new, it's shiny, but ... Is it exactly the same?
it did have a feel that nothing has been added, but new CG. =(
Hmm. :?

Looks like Evangelion/Lucas syndrome to me.

Oo, let's take something that hasn't had any public attention for at least a month and make it 'shiney' so they'll want it again. :roll:

It was already ahead of it's time when it came out and this is just milking it.


If it has a new dub, with the GitS-SAC cast, then i'm all for that as it'll fit in better.

CitizenGeek said:
Wow, looks pretty impressive. I hope it makes more sense this time :/

It looks like they've just polished up the visuals a bit, so I wouldn't hold your breath. :p
To be honest I thought it looked great to begin with, even today. I wouldn't say no to them cleaning up the image and what not, but I hope they're not glossing it over with CGI effects, there's just no need.

Put simply, if it's not broken then don't fix it.
Hmm. not sure what I think about this. i suppose a fresh look wouldnt do any harm but for me the SAC series are the ones that I want more effort on. Roll on 3rd Gig!