General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

@BrokenPhoenix have you seen Mix? I’ve only seen the first season and need to catch up on the second. I really enjoyed what I’ve seen. It’s the sequel to Touch (where some of the kids from that are the parents of the kids now, but you don’t need to have watched Touch).

Yes! That's the same author who did Cross Game and a bunch of other baseball stuff, isn't it. I love his work, his art style is very distinctive to me.
I largely agree, though I will defend some of the doomed princess shows for making the point that the villainess sometimes isn't that bad but gets treated worse than the male love interest guy who does really bad things but cuz he has a traumatic past (and perhaps is conventionally hot) gets to be a hero? And that's not me arguing that women never do really bad things! Just that I think it's worse to uhhh "r-word assault" someone, than to humiliate them in public a bit, not that either is good and not that all these shows are particularly well written or interesting. I miss the classic shoujo isekai such as Magic Knight Rayearth, Escaflowne, and The Twelve Kingdoms so much!

Do you have any more original ideas for anime that you would like to see made? (That's not a dig, I'm genuinely interested) :) I'm trying to think of an idea for an anime that offers something new or at least fairly new for anime (as in maybe something that's been done somewhat in western media but is not so common for anime) :)

I love Magic Knight Rayearth, especially that first opening theme and my favourite is Umi.

As for an anime idea, one I have been thinking about a lot lately is this:

A 42-year old woman named Keiko; single, has a good job, friends, but has never experienced love. It doesn't bother her at all but deep down, you can sense that it does.

Each day after work, she stops at her favourite cafe for a cappuccino, a slice of cake or vanilla slice and some reading then heads home. After dinner she writes her thoughts on the computer. This continues each day of the week, gets invited out for a relaxing night with friends on the weekend.

Then one day while sitting at the cafe, a senior high school student, a girl about 18 years, asks to sit at the table as all other seats are taken. But Keiko looks around, sees plenty of seats, mentions this just for the girl to say dismissively "Is there? There wasn't any a moment ago."

Each day after, the same thing. Soon, Keiko and the girl become close and over the course of the series, the two grow closer and Keiko finally admits the love she was missing in her life.