Rui said:
I work with two male colleagues with young children and I always do the overtime so they can spend time with their families and give them first choice of holiday dates so they can sync up with family trips etc. I honestly prefer it that way so their families don't miss out on time with their dads. Is this really a man/woman thing or a singles/family thing?
I'm totally for supporting people who work and have families, but I really cannot stand people who use their families as an excuse to get out of stuff. Like my boss at work, he sets it so he can take days off for his family, ahead of other people who asked way way in advance. Sure, it's understandable he wants to spend time with his kids, but it's not really fair to assume he's far more important just 'cause he has a family.
Rui said:
I think that's true - a lot of feminism has gone a little far and just seems to want to stamp on men as some kind of warped punishment for the injustices of the past (when the original intent, as far as I know, was just to gain equality). The way I try to live is to see everyone as humans first with their sex just being another feature like hair colour or height. As soon as any kind of gender stereotyping is put on anything it invariably ends up with one side trampled in the name of "equality".
My partner sews as I'm terrible at it
I cook though, usually. Teamwork is definitely the way to go in dual earning households.
Look at the scientific breakthroughs where women can become pregnant now without men at all, feminists must be pretty happy, guys are becoming obsolete.
Anyway, teamwork is sensible, but I usually end up taking on a "You'll do it wrong anyway, so I should just do it" attitude, much to everyone else's chagrin.
See, now I usually end up cleanin' too, since I'm liek, supah dupah OCD.
A whirling dervish of cleanliness! Begone foul demons of dirt!
The lines defining genders by tasks have, most definitely, disappeared, but there are still plenty o' things that are linked to a specific sex and people (read : idiots) make judgements on that.
So then I go stroke 'em on the arm and act all affectionate, and it totally freaks 'em out, it's awesome; I'm a raging heterosexual at heart.