Games you played as a kid

Settlers 3 was the game I Played the most, wasnt very good at it, I just liked getting loads of wine and acting like a god most of the time LOL 8)
Loved to play on the SNES! (Legend of Mana and such)

Also had some kind of Star Wars game for the computer I was really addicted to....hrm....wonder where that went. Also some other games like Icebraker and stuff.

And of course I played games like Super Mario, Pokemon and Zelda on the GBC. :D
Pac Man, Q-bert

Commadore 64:
Outrun Europa, T2 - Judgement Day

Starsaver, Spiderman, Tetris, Double Dragon

Mario Allstars, Mario Kart, Super Kick off, Mortal Kombat

Sega Mega Drive:
SoR, Sonic, Golden Axe, Cool Spot

My faourite over all was Allstars, in particular the Lost Levels as it was a fresh take on the original game &still kept true to the spirit of the mario bros game. I miss them days when games were harder
Golden Axe rocked on the Megadrive, I used to love going to mates house to play that, running around kicking elves was great. I can't wait to try out the new version currently in production

I wish they would make a new Streets of Rage for next gen too as they was awesome
Shades said:
Settlers 3 was the game I Played the most, wasnt very good at it, I just liked getting loads of wine and acting like a god most of the time LOL 8)

I loved that, I've been playing Settlers 4 recently and was thinking of Settlers 3, because it's pretty different. I think I'll go back and play it again. I remember once playing an Amazons quest and I filled the entire screen up with army people >_< .
Ooo this takes me back and its worrying that my childhood was all a blur and im only 19.

I definitley remember the megadrive....then the PS1. But as to details....

Hell it was all pixels to me, pixels laced with fun.
Liquid Skin said:
Ooo this takes me back and its worrying that my childhood was all a blur and im only 19.

I definitley remember the megadrive....then the PS1. But as to details....

Hell it was all pixels to me, pixels laced with fun.

Ah to be young, I had a Commador 64, then the Amiga 500 (not even the 500+ model), then Sega Master System, SNES, and so on into PS1 and 2, then I got a mega drive just so I could play Streets of Rage and Golden Axe :D
McIcy said:
Ah to be young, I had a Commador 64, then the Amiga 500 (not even the 500+ model), then Sega Master System, SNES, and so on into PS1 and 2, then I got a mega drive just so I could play Streets of Rage and Golden Axe :D

Now they are gradually bringing out all them classic games in packs for everyones enjoyment
Replaying old games is a strange experience for me though, i find them 3 x harder and about 10 x more frustrating than how i found them when i was 10.

There's no safety nets like free continues or an "easy" difficulty setting. I swear you could make a crack commando units by forcing them to play old platformers. :D
Liquid Skin said:
I swear you could make a crack commando units by forcing them to play old platformers. :D

Silly Liquid, hasn't video games taught you anything if you want a crack cammando unit you need WORms or genetically alter worms :p
Let me see, if by kid you mean younger than a teenager I would have to go with: Pac-Man and Centipede (arcade and Atari), Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, Kokotoni Wilf, Rockstar Ate My Hamster and Dizzy (plus many sequels) on my ZX Spectrum+ (& +2).

Teenage years were the Mega Drive years: Sonic 1-3, Desert & Jungle Strike, Shining Force 1 & 2, Road Rash 2, EA sports games (Madden, FIFA and NHL), Micro Machines (great multi player fun) and Streets of Rage 1 & 2.
thekendyman said:
Liquid Skin said:
I swear you could make a crack commando units by forcing them to play old platformers. :D

Silly Liquid, hasn't video games taught you anything if you want a crack cammando unit you need WORms or genetically alter worms :p

Heheh true true, and only if theres a healthy supply of bananas, sheep and geriatric old women about.
Liquid Skin said:
thekendyman said:
Liquid Skin said:
I swear you could make a crack commando units by forcing them to play old platformers. :D

Silly Liquid, hasn't video games taught you anything if you want a crack cammando unit you need WORms or genetically alter worms :p

Heheh true true, and only if theres a healthy supply of bananas, sheep and geriatric old women about.

But u must first go in search for the holy hand grenade, go force and locate some knights and some shrubbery :p & also a worm capable of doing a goku-esque Kamehameha