Games Workshop thread - anyone play anything?


Completely Average High School Student
I was just wondering if anyone here plays a bit of Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, LOTR, or something more esoteric like Inquisitor or Battlefleet Gothic - or if the only Space Marine they've ordered around are Dawn of War's Blood Ravens. There's gotta be someone here! :p
Fantasy - Orcs & Goblins, High Elves, Vampire Counts

LOTR - Have bits of everything, compete with Goblins or Warriors of Minas Tirith

40K - Tau and Space Wolves

I have some Mordheim stuff floating around too. This thread has been done before, btw.
Warhammer Fantasy- Tomb Kings (will restart this one once new army comes out for it)

40K, Tau, Tyranid, Ultramarines, Thousand Sons.

To be fair I got back into the hobby but its on the side at the moment because of some serious personal matters.
I figured it might have been done, but thread necro's aren't fun. :p
I'm an Ultramarine player - not played in a while, and got a massive backlog of painting to do, but a medical degree takes up a lot of time, so it's not exactly practical at the moment! :p
Might have to make a conversion of an Apothecary to look a little more like me, and give him a Mortarboard hat and a diploma for when I graduate. :p
I got back into 40k this year due to my mate getting back into it as his kids have started to play. I now have three armies primed and not much beyond that (I like the modelling not the painting). My armies are Eldar lugganath (I can't count how many dyno-rod vans I have seen since starting to paint black and orange), Blood Angels and Ork Goffs. I am sort of interested in the new Dark Eldar I might grab the codex and give it a read over Crimbo, but I can't really afford a whole new army at the moment.
Not had a match of anything GW related for a while... (F***ing work.)
But I have a Chaos 40k army, with corrupted "sisters of battle" converted into the group. Been trying to bulk up my Daemons so I can play Fantasy style too.
I originally wanted a pure Slaaneshi army, but against my local group, I wouldn't of stood a realistic chance against them. Thus, I mixed it up more.

Otherwise, Ive played Inquisitor, Bloodbowl (both tabletop/PC games), Quest, Dark Herasy, and -by best in my opinion- Gorkamorka. :)
Used to, back when the number of friends I had could be assigned a positive value. I have a lot of 40k Dark Angels in various states of disrepair, along with some more recently purchased Necromunda Eschers I need to finish painting. I bought one of every Escher figure, so I'd like to finish those and then get converting some other female minis to compliment them.
ayase said:
Used to, back when the number of friends I had could be assigned a positive value. I have a lot of 40k Dark Angels in various states of disrepair, along with some more recently purchased Necromunda Eschers I need to finish painting. I bought one of every Escher figure, so I'd like to finish those and then get converting some other female minis to compliment them.

I forgot about my Escher gang also the Goliaths and Orlocks from the box. In my opinion Necromunda was probably one of the best things GW brought out, the expansion did break it a bit though with running zombies aka scavvies. Unfortunately it probably did not do as well as GW hoped or more likely they realised it was not going to sell enough minis so relegated it to the specialist games section. I may just have to pick Spyres before it disappears completely.