Unrealistic models for high street finances are definitely a huge part of the problem, but ultimately I don't mind the high street vanishing entirely when the service it provides is as poor as that of my local game shops. The problems with GAME's level of service and organisational decisions have been going on for a long time.
Mobile phone shops, coffee shops and clothing retailers will still hang around as people seem to like visiting them in droves for the experience, but the increasingly watered down world of high street shopping for entertainment products isn't worth mourning IMO. I used to live in a smaller town with a lot of independent specialist shops, and it was fantastic. The shop workers would bend over backwards to keep their customers happy and interested. Nothing like today's chain shops which carry none of the products I want to buy on the spot, staffed by charming students who occasionally play a little Xbox but don't really care about their jobs much. It all feels so empty and shallow. Expertise and dedication are criminally undervalued skills.
Mobile phone shops, coffee shops and clothing retailers will still hang around as people seem to like visiting them in droves for the experience, but the increasingly watered down world of high street shopping for entertainment products isn't worth mourning IMO. I used to live in a smaller town with a lot of independent specialist shops, and it was fantastic. The shop workers would bend over backwards to keep their customers happy and interested. Nothing like today's chain shops which carry none of the products I want to buy on the spot, staffed by charming students who occasionally play a little Xbox but don't really care about their jobs much. It all feels so empty and shallow. Expertise and dedication are criminally undervalued skills.