Futurama or the simpsons?

futurama or the simpsons

  • the simpsons

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  • futurama

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Zap Brannigan:

"Kif, this is my book of personal pick-up lines. Say as many of them, as fast as you can, and don't stop until she's yours." :lol: !

"I find the most attractive part of the women to be the boobies-"

******* gold.
that is one fab quote!one of the top 5 i think! letsee...anymore i can think of..

Fry: How did I get Leela to love me? I’ve got to figure it out!
Hermes: Maybe you’re just a fantastic lover!
Amy: No.

Cubert: Hey Dad - bite my shiny metal ass!
Professor: What? Such an activity would be most uncomfortable for both of us!

Bender: Hey! I got a busted ass here!I don't see anyone kissing it!
Dr. Zoidberg: Alright i'm coming!
There's no doubt that the new season of Futurama will make its way over here (Sky one will probably pick it up not long after it starts airing in america) The movie versions of the new episodes will be out here soon enough. Though i was dreaming about a proper movie version of Futurama that would grace cinema screens through out the land :wink: Something that won't just be split into two or three episodes to make the new season.
we can only hope i guess man more quotes!!

Bender: I don't recall ever fighting Godzilla, but that is so what I would've done!

Ranger Park: Hi. I'm Ranger Park, the Park Ranger…
Fry: I get it!

Walter Koenig: And when we woke up, we had these bodies.
Fry: Say it in Russian!
Walter Koenig: *sighs* Ven ve voke up, ve had these wodies.
Fry: Eeeeee! Now say "nuclear wessels"!
Walter Koenig: No!
I've got to say that even though I think Futurama is great very little credit should go to Matt Groening. He has his name plastered everywhere over Futurama and The Simpsons but aside from the initial ideas he doesn't do anything else! He doesn't direct, write, design or voice act, in fact the only real credit he had was to co-write the first episode and you can bet he had little to do with that. All he does is look over people's shoulders and say 'very good' and to that he pretty much admitted. It's the other people around him like David X Cohen that make the shows great. Hell, he can't even draw his own characters well!

Tiny rant over.
Where no fan has gone before :D class

some early Zapp Brannigan quotes

Zapp Brannigan: That's the law, Leela. And Brannigan's Law is like Brannigan's love; hard and fast!

Zapp Brannigan: Kif, you're my best and most loyal friend but you've earned my contempt once again. As my protégé you should know that the only way to deal with a female adversary is to seduce her. This time we are sure she's a woman, right?
Kif: Yes.
Zapp Brannigan: Good! Invite her to my quarters. Oh, and have the boy lay out my formal shorts.
Kif: "The boy", sir?
Zapp Brannigan: You. You lay out my formal shorts

more later, probably from the anthology of intrest episodes[/b]
since we're doing quotes, here's one from the movie.

Farnsworth: Good news everyone! Thoses asinine morons who cancelled us were themselves fired for incompetence!

All the others: WOOHOO!

Farnsworth: Not just fired but beaten up too and pretty badly!

All the others: Yay! *less enthusiastic*

Farnsworth: In fact most of them died from their injuries!

All the others: *concerned mutterings*

Bender: Hahahaha

Farnsworth: And then they were ground up into a fine pink powder!

Brilliant. Haha.
I have the first New Futurama Film at home!! Well it's on my house mates PC but we are networked like. Been meaning to watch it all week but have had other things to catch up on like Heroes and Top Gear.
They're showing the seires in three feature length movies (something like that). The 2nd movie is due out next month 8)
eggybob said:
The futurama movie starts off excellent but does lag and confuse itself near the end
Personally I thought the movie was at it's peak when all the time travel really kicked off.

The only thing I would have liked to see from the movie was more screen time with Fry and his family. I thought a little more could have been done with that.
aragh stop talking about the movie!!

Luurr: mm this jerked chicken is good, i'll think i have fry's lower horn jerked
bender: he's used to it WOOOOOOO!!
Another quote from one of my other favorite eps

Gold Bender: "It's like i always say, make new friends and keep the old, one is silver"
Bender: "the other is...Gold"
*Benders hug each other"

I got the feeling that i mixed up who says what with that quote
Why don't cha change to title to Futurama now cos zits fo' teh win. n' Teh Simpsonz SuXX "srsly".

Lost my head there a bit. Stay away from *chan websites if possible, Unless you want EPIC LULZ.