Funimation cherry pick releases from Geneon USA, ADV Films

Best news I've ever heard.

Now I can finish Higurashi and save myself the bother of getting the Fate/Stay Night R4s.
Wy do I get the feeling Funi will be the market leader in a few years?

The list lacks Samurai Champloo - I have it, but it's a shame people who haven't seen it won't be able to find it.
I know, but there are probably a lot of Americans that haven't seen it and want to. Is it wrong to care about Americans? =P
Oh hells yeah. Gotta have me some:

Ergo Proxy
Black Lagoon
Lyrical Nanoha
Fate/Stay Night
The Familiar of Zero
When They Cry - Higurashi

I'll have to wait for the UK release on all of these since I won't have the money to buy anime for the next year when I leave my job for college. This is one of the few times I'll be glad for a long wait since I'll be tempted to buy them all and go bankrupt if they get released here when I'm in college.
ryuzaki said:
This only affects R1.
A lot of people here import R1 DVDs. More than 50% of my anime collection is probably R1, rather than R2. Anything in the US anime industry will usually affect us, one way or the other.
Ramadahl said:
ryuzaki said:
This only affects R1.
Not entirely true. IIRC, Revolution Films releases the Funimation stuff over here. We could be looking at some UK releases.
Revelation only releases FUNimation titles in the UK where they own the US and UK licence. In this instance this is a US distribution deal and rather than a sale of the licence, much like their deal with Tokyopop for some of their anime titles. I would be very surprised if the UK licence was attached to the deal, which would be up for negotiation for any of the UK companies as has been proven out with many Geneon titles over the years.
This news, IS the news of 2008, for North America at least (and, it affects me massively). This is what everyone has been waiting for for a long time.

I wonder how Roberts Anime Corner Store could have got it so wrong though, from their blog saying the distributor would be nothing to do with anime to the reality being the biggest anime distributor in the US...

I also wonder how much of Geneon's ideals had to be changed for this deal to go through. They've been very strict in exactly how they wanted any kind of deal to go through, but I can't see Funimation releasing their shows in the same way they did... Because that was one of the reasons that ultimately lead to Geneon's losses.

Espy said:
Wy do I get the feeling Funi will be the market leader in a few years?

Funimation have been the market leader for several years already, and continue to grow their market percentage each year.

Gawyn said:
Revelation only releases FUNimation titles in the UK where they own the US and UK licence. In this instance this is a US distribution deal and rather than a sale of the licence, much like their deal with Tokyopop for some of their anime titles. I would be very surprised if the UK licence was attached to the deal, which would be up for negotiation for any of the UK companies as has been proven out with many Geneon titles over the years.

To quote:

Press Release said:
Under the terms of the agreement, FUNimation Entertainment obtains the exclusive rights to the manufacturing, marketing, sales and distribution of established Geneon titles

This has nothing to do with the licensing. I would assume Funimation will be working to a tight profit margin. There have been hints that Geneon wanted very specific terms and conditions for this deal.
So does this mean Funi will be hireing their own staff for shows that haven't been dubbed yet?

I know Funi are quite good at getting old VA's in anyway so the current shows wouldn't be an issue
This is immensely awesome. I wonder if FUNimation will become the[/i anime distributor of the US, a la Madman in the AU.
Jayme said:
This is immensely awesome. I wonder if FUNimation will become the[/i anime distributor of the US, a la Madman in the AU.

Madman distribute in the African Union? :wink:

The demise of Geneon was sad, but didn't really affect me as MVM released / are still releasing most Geneon shows I want in the UK.

Good news for Yanks and importers though.
*sigh* I don't care about any of those shows listed. I wish they'd rerelease the second Lupin the third series in full and finish releasing it where Geneon stopped. I doubt it though, it wasn't a great seller. Still I can dream of 13 episode thinpak sets. *sigh!*
Once they work their way through some of the ocean of titles they have on their plate I would like them to think about grabbing Lupin TV too and putting the rest out. If they can get it going in cheap (sub only if needed?) sets I'm sure it would do better than Geneon's singles which weren't really an ideal way to sell a vintage series.

I guess Funi's sales of the movie sets might have a bearing on how viable this is.

Just saw that too - what the heck? ADV must be feeling a bit blue now :(

Though I'm glad NHK is back on the "likely to come out complete one day" pile, I would have been gutted if it stopped and vanished as was looking possible. I wonder whether Lace are able to get the Red Garden set out in August now though? Do Lace have the UK rights still or is this going to stop our release dead too?
