Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie - Conqueror Of Shamballa...


Completely Average High School Student
I watched it with my Step-Dad while I was in the US.

It was pretty cool, I liked it. Can't say it was what I thought it was though.

But hurrah, that's it's finally here! Are they releasing the Limited Edition in the UK too, or is it exclusive to the US/Japan? (Are they different?)
Sami said:
But hurrah, that's it's finally here! Are they releasing the Limited Edition in the UK too, or is it exclusive to the US/Japan? (Are they different?)

I hope so, because that's what I have pre-ordered =|
Woo! About time this movie made it here. I have the US Region 1 Special edition but at the same time i'll probably pick up the UK standard version simply to support anime in the UK. *not to mention my region free DVD player is on the blink :(*
I actually I forgot about this!! ::shock:: I already have it in Japanese but looks like I'll be ordering yet more DVDs when I get home from work.
Yay! It's finally here! Can't wait to watch it. The series was outstanding! But, I do hope there is some kind of special edition for us UK/Ireland-ers. I mean, it doesn't seem very fair to make us wait a year to get this movie in English and then not give us the speical edition, too!
Well, it doesn't look like there'll be any special edition, anyway :/

Revelation films release special sets for series like Tsubasa and Peach Girl but not for FMA? That really doesn't seem to make commercial sense at all :s
Sy said:
CitizenGeek said:
Well, it doesn't look like there'll be any special edition, anyway :/

Revelation films release special sets for series like Tsubasa and Peach Girl but not for FMA? That really doesn't seem to make commercial sense at all :s
Uhm, yeah there is.

So, with only a few days to go until the planned release of this special edition, there is no picture on any website and Revelation have not been advertising it. Well, either Revelation forgot about this special edition for the ads we've seen on this site, or the set is not actually coming out.

I'd love to be proven wrong, but the state of anime in the UK makes me pessimistic to say the least. Still, keep hoping and clinging to that Play.com listing, I guess :p
There's one thing to do with the matter... email Revi.

Or if they're willing to explain the situation in this thread, I'm sure they're reading?
Even if they don't release a special edition Rev Films are still doing a fantastic job. I'm nt going to hold them down just because one movie didn't get a Special Edition release.