Information is scarce, but Canned Dogs is <a href="">reporting</a> that Japanese animation studio Bones has a sequel to <a href="">Fullmetal Alchemist</a> in its planning stages - with <a href="">Irie Yasuhiro</a> as the director, and that they're "working on" a sequel to <a href="">Darker Than Black</a>. The information comes via a leaked private document that contains personal information of the staff involved, and other unfortunate information for the company involved.
<strong>Update:</strong> Studio Bones have issued an <a href="">official statement</a> explaining that the document was leaked by a third party, thus being fake, and that the document doesn't exist inside Bones' office. One discrepancy remains however, that being only one of the animators on the list - the Mnemosyne anime director - included all their real personal information such as phone numbers and addresses. Canned Dogs also <a href="">notes</a> that nowhere on Bones' official statement does it say that legal action will be taken or that the police will be involved.
<strong>Update:</strong> Studio Bones have issued an <a href="">official statement</a> explaining that the document was leaked by a third party, thus being fake, and that the document doesn't exist inside Bones' office. One discrepancy remains however, that being only one of the animators on the list - the Mnemosyne anime director - included all their real personal information such as phone numbers and addresses. Canned Dogs also <a href="">notes</a> that nowhere on Bones' official statement does it say that legal action will be taken or that the police will be involved.