According to a post over at <a href="http://forums.animeondvd.com/showflat.php?Cat=1&Number=688073&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1">AnimeOnDVD</a>, MVM will be releasing the Full Metal Alchemist anime at the same time as the Full Metal Alchemist (play station 2) game-- and Amazon say the game will be released on 5th March 2005, so expect to see the FMA anime appear in the UK around that time too. It is however unlikely that the UK will be getting the limited edition 'box tins' that are planned for FMA's US release.
Full Metal Alchemist is a massive franchise; covering a 52 episode anime TV series, a video game, a theatrical movie and even a popular multi-volume manga story. The FMA anime already has a devoted following in the UK, thanks largely to a successful period on the Internet fansub circuit.
Source: Anime UK News
News, views and reviews for the UK anime community
Full Metal Alchemist is a massive franchise; covering a 52 episode anime TV series, a video game, a theatrical movie and even a popular multi-volume manga story. The FMA anime already has a devoted following in the UK, thanks largely to a successful period on the Internet fansub circuit.
Source: Anime UK News
News, views and reviews for the UK anime community