Freedoms or freedumbs?


Straw Hat Pirate

Nice idea but its turned into world+wife axe grinding. That is if you can get on.

Huge numbers of freetards whining about how the internet and stealing other peoples stuff should be a human right, motorists moaning that MOTs are too strict and that mechanics employed by VOSA should not be able to impound a car at the roadside if its deemed dangerous, and someone saying that new laws have banned 'manga DVDs'.

This could be a good idea IF the axe grinders can put their axes down and get organised. Look at how the photographers got the orphan work propoals kicked out. A small number of people got together and put forward an organised and sensible case and won. Compared with the anti copyright lobby who were completely disorganised and got nowhere.
Why thankyou. :) I just need to get some more votes in to make it more visible. It sucks that the first votes were not 5s because otherwise people looking for the highest rated would see it.
Have you looked around some of the other suggestions? The moderators have started closing some as people just can't grasp the point of the website.
memorium said:
Mutsumi said:
Hence my view that the people do not know what is best for them, and therefore should be governed as such.
agreed, the world is not ready for a proper democracy

Yes. People know what they want for themselves, but few have any concept of the 'greater good', and many would actively oppose it if helping the greater good cost them even the smallest amount.
Like someone we know on here? ;)

The best bit is no-one bothers to search, there are 20 different posts about IR35, 25 about scrapping part P of the building regs and hundreds about cannabis.

Even forum users are more disciplined than that!
its a nice little scam the government are running there, same with the petitions thing, they will basically ignore anything they dont like, no matter how many people support that idea, and they will use support for their own ideas on there to implement them anyway.