FMGals Pics.


Student Council President
Well, this is were they will be once I give them to my friend! to scan. I'm just setting it up! Heh! They'll mostly be FMA and Furuba! Theres some Invader zim though, and my characters.
They are all very good, but i think the first one is the best :D
You should definitely try one with colour
There really good, i agree couler wouled make them even better. I'd love too see some of your own characters too. Keep it up.
They're really very good. I particularly like the shading on the rocks in the picture of Scar and, of course, the last picture is great. :D I'm a big fan of Ed, and I really wish I could draw him, but it's totally the wrong style for me. :(

I agree that it would be great to see coloured versions, though may I suggest you redraw them if you do (or scan them in and work in CG). Colour would work better with cleaner lines and without the pencil shading. And, of course, that way you wouldn't risk making any mistakes with these!

Are you planning on moving on to original poses anytime soon? That would be great to see.