FMA The Movie Conqueror of Shamballa

WTFDaveMustaine said:
Probably after the series has finished being released. Which is a long time off.
Not that long since Rev Films appear to be doing a one volume a month with just 4 volumes left of the series, including volume 9 this month. They could, as I understand FUNimation did, release the movie alongside volume 13, which could mean as soon as May.
Well, its been noted down for TBA 2007... Sometime summer, I wish they hurried it up, They can't leave a FMA fan stranded to know whats happening to ed in the *spoiler* the other side, Earth *end spoiler*....

I got jealous when my american friend got FMA movie.... I keep harrasing her to post it to me... LOL

She might not know what Royal mail is, though...
All 13 DVD volumes, as well as the movie, The Conqueror Of Shamballa, have been released in the United States and limited special edition of the movie was released.
Yes but not boxed sets of the series. Tins were released at certain points during the release of the series but there have been no boxsets yet.
you can ussually find a region 2 version on E-bay, if i can find a good deal like i did u can get the entire series and movie both in region 2 pretty cheap ( Roughly £45 for the lot - including shipping)

( Oh and also im new so hi everyone )
Shroud said:
you can ussually find a region 2 version on E-bay, if i can find a good deal like i did u can get the entire series and movie both in region 2 pretty cheap ( Roughly £45 for the lot - including shipping)

( Oh and also im new so hi everyone )
Hate to tell you but you bought an illegal bootleg by the sounds of it. So far only 10 volumes of the series has been released over here.
your wrong there is a r2 version of the film with english subs! in japan there was a limited edition set out for the movie witch i bought.
Spimmy said:
your wrong there is a r2 version of the film with english subs! in japan there was a limited edition set out for the movie witch i bought.
For the movie yes but for the remaining episodes of the series there wasn't. Plus given that Japan imports are extremely expensive I doubt you could get the whole lot for £45. The movie alone would be about £40. That and he said they can usually be found on ebay.
lol, it's not out of the realm of the possibility, 2 Box sets and a movie both english dubbed, not available in UK yet (as a whole), true they are likely to be an illegal bootleg, I must have been desperate when i bought them, however there is nothing i can do now XD, even if the primary language is japanese. :)

oh and i never said it was shipped from japan, I bought on E-bay it from somewhere in north England so shipping was cheap
one of funi's reps on a forum i visit along time ago they have plans for a box set of the show but not for a very long time
Still, that's a hell of a lot of money to hand over for a bootleg. I remember buying Trigun off of ebay for about a £25 and I thought I was getting a hell of a deal. Sure it was watchable but the video quality wasn't top notch and the subtitles had really poor translation. I was lucky and managed to get a full refund though.

Spimmy said:
one of funi's reps on a forum i visit along time ago they have plans for a box set of the show but not for a very long time
Out of interest, have one listed for a UK release. It might not be anytime soon but it shows it's being considered which is always good.
if this was a bootleg the quality is excellent as far as a can tell its exacly the same, both video and dubb, aswell as the interlay between them, if it is a bootleg its the best ive seen so far (apart for some scratches on the disk, but they were my fault)
No matter how good of quality a bootleg is I choose not to buy them now that i'm aware of what to look for. As well as supporting the show it also supports the anime industry so we can get cheaper legitimate releases among other things. Another minus of bootlegs is that the money goes into funding organised crime. You may think that sounds over the top but it's true. There is big money to be made out of this sort of thing.
I unknowingly bought a Berserk bootleg boxset for £1 on Ebay along with a Cowboy Bebop set (around £10 I think) before I knew anything about their proliferation on auction sites. I'll be honest and say that considering their origins, both sets were convincingly put together with high quality cover art and printing, and in Bebop's case - even had animated menu options! Unless you know a lot about anime, it's very easy to be tricked. I imagine so many people out there think they've got this awesome collection of anime, without knowing that it sadly consists of bootlegs.