Fishing for ideas about new competition

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Ghost of Animes
We've been offered competition prizes for the upcoming releases of the Burst Angel Box Set and Requiem from the Darkness Box Set. AUKN stopped running competitions because they can be quite time-consuming to organize and complete, but I'm thinking of giving them another shot.

But even still, I'm fairly short on ideas as to what kind of competition we should hold? Do you have any ideas? :) I'd rather avoid the simple question/answer format of past competitions and do something a little more creative and community-driven. So please, fire away any ideas you might have!
i would say something like drawing or whatever but then it wouldn't make it so easy for everyone to actually be involved with. To be honest i'm not entirely sure, the question/answer thing did at least give everyone a chance of winning.
The only thing i can really think of is perhaps stick to the question/answer style of things, but maybe ask for a bit more than just a one or two word answer. =/
Thing about the question answer thing is, anyone can just google for answers(excuse me if Im misunderstanding the format), and as Arbalest says the drawing would be fairly restricted, maybe something that involves your own creativity on a somewhat level playing field for all, like writing a small passage, though this would take a lot of time to decide, or just do an old fashined name in the hat job.
Something like writing is good, many of us can't draw or use photoshop but writting a small pasage or something is universal(or more people can do it anyway).
In under 200 words, explain to us as to why X should be X

To be honest, everything that can be done with compititions has been done already. its a case of finding something that fits us.
Why not a caption contest?

Choose a humourous screencap from an anime and have people put funny and witty captions to them. Simple yet fun plus everyone has got a shot.
Rog said:
Why not a caption contest?

Choose a humourous screencap from an anime and have people put funny and witty captions to them. Simple yet fun plus everyone has got a shot.

That works. And could be really funny :lol:
Rog said:
Why not a caption contest?

Choose a humourous screencap from an anime and have people put funny and witty captions to them. Simple yet fun plus everyone has got a shot.
This idea has my full support.
Rog said:
Why not a caption contest?

Choose a humourous screencap from an anime and have people put funny and witty captions to them. Simple yet fun plus everyone has got a shot.

Could be a winner :D, an anime picture or a picture of members at a con :wink: should get people coming up with ideas. The only issue is how/who to pick a winner. Also time span about a week to ten days is probably fair.
Aye. Make sure theres a weekend to do it in and its normally fine. Most people can do something like that on a sat or sunday
I was thinking of some pro-active Fight Club style tasks involving placing some references to/images of anime in a public place, but we'd probably end up breaking the law :) I like the idea of a caption competition... Like Nick says, writing is universal and no doubt, we'd come up with some funny entries!

Even I'm started to get excited about this now...
The problem that I thought off with a caption competition is that people might steal them from 4Chan and the likes. Unless it was directly answering the question as such, But in a comical way I would imagine it would be quite hard to judge what is original.

Also, How would you judge it? The one that brought yourself the most lulz. ;p

Anyway! - I'm not fussed. The caption competition could have quite a lot off laughs that anime in general hasn't really had that much of as off late. I'm sure you creative lot will come up something thats fun, The essay-like answer mentioned above was the best I could have think off now AND last night.
The fight club style suggestion sounds the most fun but a caption competition would be good too!

Maybe a character design test (not necessarily drawing but a passage about your character) with a certain theme in mind? I'm just throwing out suggestions just in case!
Well, the general premise of the "Fight Club" idea I've come up with was to place some text about/image of anime in a prominent public place, like a bus stop. Obviously, you'd need to capture an image of the "completed task" on your mobile phone and send it over to me. The winner would be the person who's managed to place their reference to anime in the most absurd\popular place possible. My only concern with this idea is that it's a little too ambitious and will potentially lead to people breaking some obscure law about defacing public property or whatever.

The caption contest is definitely the safest option :)
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