So, this is Aaron views on FF12... Well, I show you my view on it, and done a review.
Final Fantasy 12 is the next game in the series, and is a huge step like FF6, FF7 and FF10. FF6 for the step in storyline, scrapping the crystal, FF7 for the hugest step in 3D and a lovable cast of Characters. FF10 for replacing ATB with CTB and now, FF12 to step it up with ADB (Active Dimension Battle) and elimanating all Random Battles.
A warrior takes sword in hand,
Clasping a gem to his heart.
Engraving vanishing memories into the sword,
He places finely honed skills into the stone.
Spoken from the sword, handed down from the stone...
Now the story can be told...
That is the story of a world called Ivalice.
The strong military kingdom known as the Arcadia Empire
That rules the Valentia Continent,
And the Rosalia Empire that rules the Ordalia Continent
Have been continuously at war for long years.
In the midst of it, Arcadia Empire invaded the small kingdom of Dalmasca,
Positioned in the hallway between the two continents and thus is geopolitically important.
Under the invasion of the Arcadia Empire, the Dalmasca Kingdom accepted defeat.
But Ashe, the rightful heir to the trone of Dalmasca,
Joined the resistance army movements to fight against the empire.
The enemy's chase and attack of this girl with the liberation of her mother nation in heart is severe,
But, she can not be defeated.
At this moment, she meets the young man Vaan.
With this meeting, begins the change in Ashe's heart.
And thus...
The meeting of these two people will greatly change the story of this world.
But the story so far isn't that great as other FFs were, but still great netherless
Dead beutiful, and its running at Half the Polygons used for FF10, allowing more Dynamic and special Effects. The Characters Models are awesome, making it the best Graphics I seen in ages. And I ain't much of a graphics person, but this is just making me drop.
The Battle system is great, taking into the new ADB (Active Dimension Battle) where there aren't two seperate screens like the others were. Now you can see your enemies, and choose to avoid them or attack them. Long time FF fans might get fustrated when they keep pressing attack, when it automaticly does it for them. Now more Magic option are there, from the Likes of Black, White, Green, Time and Arcane Magic. Espers are summons that are brand new, so no bahmut or Shiva. They are A.I controled as well, so you can't control them yourself. The License board is a dumbed down version of FF10 sphere grid, though now you have to license Shields, Weapons and others to use them. Quickenings (or Mist Knacks in the Jap version) are like Limit Breaks and overdrives, but you can use them in Combos with your Allies. Plus your characters use gambits, which gives certain commands to your allies, so you can concentrate on your charrie while the others go crazy with the commands given. So this is great System.
The Characters are pretty good, but weak compared to others FF. My favorite so far has to be Montblanc, Balthier and Fran. Vaan is pretty dull and I can't stand Ashe and her nobility. Panelo is just average, so I ain't annoyed or amazed by her. Basch is pretty good, and doesn't annoy me. Thankfully, Moogles are back and live again instead of toys or pictures. Thanfully, they all intelligent, yay fpr me.
Life Span
Lets see, its over 40 hours of Adventuring, You got a huge license board to max out, You fight targeted monsters that the people have trouble with and get money. So this will last you ages, especially leveling them up as it is proven to be addictive in All FF games.
Another Great FF Game by SE, but doesn't match up to FF7, FF10 or FF6. It beated FF9 in my list, so this is a great game everyone should own on the PS2 and one of the last hurrahs for PS2. Another great game that deserved the game of the year, but it doesn't deserve such a high score like other mags said
Score : 9 / 10
I was about to give it a 8, but Montblanc is in it, plus the moogles are back...
- Moogles are back, YAY
- A welcome change to the series thanks to ADB
- License Board and Gambits are a huge gifts
- *spoilers*
Gilgamesh uses a Buster Sword for god sake
*end spoiler
- Characters and Story are weak compared to some FFs games
- Thats its telling us the PS2 is going to die soon T_T....
My review.... And will make people think its good...