Melainy said:
Bluedragon said:
i mean why choose FVIII theres alot of people rave about 8 and 10 so why not re-do them

**prays to SQsoft please oh pleasebring us FFVIII on ps3 but let me save aeris

I'm assuming you mean FFVII - FFVIII is Final Fantasy 8, which I would actually prefer to see a remake or sequel of than 7, although I'm not entirely sure where the story should go seeing as the ending's divided into those who can be bothered for the credits to finish and those who can't :wink:

If a remake of any FF game was made I would love to see it actually reMADE i.e. full rendered graphics, new aspects of gameplay, additional storyline etc. Not to change the game entirely, but bring it into the 21st century. Then and only then would I see any point in putting FFVII on the PS3.
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3nvy said:
how did we get from dirge of cerberus to FFVII remade? although the thought of FFVII remade makes me tingle. he he

Ah the mystery of discussion forums :p :wink:

All right, back on topic. To quote everybody else, Dirge of Cerberus looks like an excellent game indeed, and it's nice to see a potentially different format used too.

And yes, FFVII remade would be a rather nice addition to the collection. All programmed with Advent Children-esque graphics :wink:
Ive read the comments here about how Dirge of Cerberus looking really good but potentially, because of game sequels/spinoff and other such likes arent always brillant, this game may not be that good...however this is my view on the subject matter.

With FFX-2 i always looked at it at the perspective that if the game was excellent or at least half decent the game would go hand in hand with FFX and will shine the way for more direct sequels/spin offs...which is ironic as two/three years after the game was released we are at this discussion point now. However if it was awful, sure it would be slated and hung out to dry whilst fanboys and deliquents would just turn a blind eye and hail FFX as a stand alone game, which did happen in some cases with Mr "BlueDragon" here. But it didnt and it set up a great testing ground for SquareEnix and its companies, we have now seen a movie and soon two games from a stand alone game in the series.

I like to give every game a chance and SquareEnix know how loyal and passionate their fans are, especially towards FFVII, so im sure they will do a good job, and just look at DoC...it looks fantastic!
demonj007 said:
Ive read the comments here about how Dirge of Cerberus looking really good but potentially, because of game sequels/spinoff and other such likes arent always brillant, this game may not be that good...however this is my view on the subject matter.

With FFX-2 i always looked at it at the perspective that if the game was excellent or at least half decent the game would go hand in hand with FFX and will shine the way for more direct sequels/spin offs...which is ironic as two/three years after the game was released we are at this discussion point now. However if it was awful, sure it would be slated and hung out to dry whilst fanboys and deliquents would just turn a blind eye and hail FFX as a stand alone game, which did happen in some cases with Mr "BlueDragon" here. But it didnt and it set up a great testing ground for SquareEnix and its companies, we have now seen a movie and soon two games from a stand alone game in the series.

I like to give every game a chance and SquareEnix know how loyal and passionate their fans are, especially towards FFVII, so im sure they will do a good job, and just look at DoC...it looks fantastic!

wow thats a really well fiar thought out post :)

yeah i think it is fair to san that i ma loyoal to FF and true FFX-2 wasnt the best way to setup a sequel but ive also heard that alot of people are um how can i say it disaproving of Advent Children saying that it adds nuffin and lah blah

but this was a fan service nuffin more (im not implying that to nayone here i just saying the internet as a whole)