Favourite Gaming Moments!

What are your favourite gaming moments? The times when a game has really affected your emotion, or just when you've done amazingly well and cleared hundreds of enemies off the screen.

For me, the moment of joy when the worst character in videogame history, Tidus, disapeared in FFX will go down as one of my fondest memories. Then, when in FFX-2 you can choose to let him finally vanish forever or bring him back, I truly wept tears of joy at the prospect of leaving Yuna to Rikku and Paine's love while Tidus finally dies forever and we never againhave to hear his annoying laugh or see his idiotic behaviour.
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I have to disagree i was never bugged by Tidus at all i thought he was great! And yes i must admit FFX has some of my fondest gaming moments especially when Tidus and Yuna are at Lake Macalania in the best FMV probably ever! Also finishing the game i felt deverstated that it was over, no game has made me feel that way since! and although i enjoyed FFX-2 it did not deliever what i expected yet i do not feel that it down trodden FFX in anyway so im pleased.

But also some of the coolest gaming moments have been in James Bond games, espiecially in everything or nothing! (Why they went forward with EoN and two steps back with Rogue Agent baffles me) However the best moment was when your on a Matrix style motor bike run on a high way and your being pursued by two badies on motor bikes and when a tanker jackknifes and cars flip over the baddies uses the flipped car as a ramp to jump over and across you while you fall down onto your side and slide under the tank whiles the badies plough straight into the tanker as you emerge on the other side escaping the huge explosion...how cool do i look now! 8)

But also on Hitman 2 where i made a perfect hit i had to change clothes, get a sniper rifle, avoid gaurds and make my way up to a room on a building adjacent to a building with a party full of people. As my helper told me the details of the person i wanted to hit i had to carefully pick the person who was the hit from the description. Bang! Made the shot the target was dead, pack up, slowly walk down the stairs and out of the building ditching the sniper and walking to the exit as the party screams at the death of a member...now thats cool.
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I have to concur with Chomo on letting Tidus vanish forever in FF-X2 was one of the most fun moments I've ever had in a game. He was possibly the most irriitating game character ever in FFX and it was great to see him go forever. Yay!.

Other good gaming moments I can remember..

On the original Half-Life (hated the sequel) Defeating the last boss was an adrenaline rush, certainly the best boss battle I can remember having for a long time.

On Thief 2 (one of my favourite games) Breaking into the main base of the Mechanist cult while they are hosting a ballroom party, and finding out their leader has left messages expecting you. Was one of the most entertaining and nerve racking levels Ive enjoyed in a game.
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There are almost too many great moments to pick out a few favourites, most of them gameplay rather than storyline related for me. Saving after having just defeated a particularly tough boss is always satisfying (and something of a relief if you've had numerous game overs before), and delivering the final blows to the tediously difficult end bosses in Arc the Lad 2 and 4 was good also. And of course, there's nothing better than successfully getting all 108 stars in Suikoden (well, okay, there are many better things, I just needed a good way to start that sentence).
Mangaminx said:
On the original Half-Life (hated the sequel) Defeating the last boss was an adrenaline rush, certainly the best boss battle I can remember having for a long time.
I swear you picked that out just to emphasise your irrational dislike for HL2 :p You complain about driving sections in a game but are content to jump pad around a featureless room vainly dodging teleport balls launched by a lazy, giant floating baby thing?! You Crayzee!

My Favorites:
- Homeworld 1 and 2: Mothership launching intros. They're kind of identikit but one has better graphics and the other has better music :p

- System Shock 2: Finally getting to Deck 4 and finding that Janice Politio actually topped herself some-time ago and you've been taking orders from a psychotic, speech impeeded computer that besides being rather helpful, undoubtably has "eradicate the human race" somewhere on her agenda. Oh Shodan you old tease!

- Unreal Tournament: It's a little thing, but there was nothing like nabbing your first headshot, getting a monster kill and being declared godlike.

- Deus Ex: The "Daedalus busts you out of Jail" bit where you get captured and you escape out of a secret conspiratorial liar only to find that It was just down the hallway from your office all along.

- Half-Life 1: The "Surface Tension" chapter is still probably the single best string of levels ever created for an FPS. The first time that FPS games ever felt like you were in a warzone, with fights with just about everything, in plenty of interesting locales throughout.

- Half-Life 2: *breath intake* Findingyourselfinastrangecity,EscapingthatCityonfootandairboatwhilstbeing relentlesslychasedbyab***ardhelicopter,beatingthehelicopter,gettingthegravitygun, takingdowntheinsectoidgunships,invadingtheprisonwithanarmyofinsects,seeingDog ownasquadofcombinesoldiers,takingdownloadsofstridersinthecityhallplaza,infiltrating thecitadelandmakingitgoBOOMandlisteningtotheGManbabbleonabouthowvalvewillone daymakeasequel(orwordstothateffect).

Hmm, I like shooting things don't I? :)
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Prepare for the long list!

Shenmue: The dramatic start, Ryo's father dead! Picking up the pieces to solve the mystery! Going to the arcade and playing classic SEGA games like Hang On and Space Harrier.
Ryo ignoring Nozomi's affections for justice!

Basically the whole game was such a memorable experience.

Shenmue 2: Bumping into biker chick Joy for the first time, the grand scale of 'life' in Kowloon and Hong Kong. After all the hardships Ryo and Shen Hua find a magic sword in a cave. Then the game just leaves us in a cliff-hanger! I want Shenmue 3!

Final Fantasy VII: Obvious but! Aeris death.

Final Fantasy VIII: The ending! Ultimecia being revealed as Rinoa and Squall is dead. Yes DEAD. Not a happy-lovey duvey ending. If you thought it was that, replay the ending. I mean, who had Griever in the first place? :wink:

Soul Blade: The very cool opening! I had it since release in 1996.. it was so amazing at the time and still enjoyable now!

Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic: When 'you' are revealed to be as Revan. I was like 'OMG!' Who saw that coming? lol.

Resident Evil: Lol the crappy voice acting made this classic.
Barry:"You were almost a JILL-SANWICH"
Jill:*fake giggle* "Oh.. Barry"
Hilarity ensues!

Sonic Adventure: Great opening! The first time I got it for the Dreamcast it was wow. Unfortunately Sonic Heroes cannot compare.

I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember!
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neptune2venus said:
Final Fantasy VIII: The ending! Ultimecia being revealed as Rinoa and Squall is dead. Yes DEAD. Not a happy-lovey duvey ending. If you thought it was that, replay the ending. I mean, who had Griever in the first place? :wink:
Says you :p Why didn't they just plain SAY it if that's really the case? Your only evidence for this is Griever, but why does that have to be Rinoa's?. It could be a hand me down, which would go someway to explain why Ultimecia doesn't look like Rinoa, doesn't speak like Rinoa and doesn't in any other single way apart from her GF (which doesn't really work with me anyway), make me recall Rinoa in any way whatsoever.
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In FF7, the bit where they acquire the black materia, for a price; Cait Sith sacrificing his artificial body. Him being so cheerful in a goodbye style way before the temple crushed him was so sad it made me cry. Aeris' death didn't though.

Armored Core 1, the entire final level. The huge vertical shaft. :O
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I'd have to go for FFVI and the Opera. I love that part so much, I don't know why. Maybe it was because it was focused on Celes.

Resident Evil 2 intro, I fell in love with Leon and Claire because of this, again, I'm not too sure why. XD
Has anyone else played that REALLY old game on the NES that wa something to do with Kitano Takeshi? It has to be one of the most pointless games in history- which makes it quite a gaming moment. When you complete it you just got a "well done" message and that was it! And the part where you have to wait for 1 HOUR without touching any buttons is really irritating when you press a button after you thought an hour had passed only to be too early and have to wait for ANOTHER hour! :cry:

I like the last level of Hitman: Contracts. After going through it and getting the Mini-gun, then blowing away hordes of SWAT troops with it.
Almost all the levels on StarWars: Battlefront, especially Hoth- I only ever play as the empire.

The first level of the 2nd Full Metal Alchemist game for PS2- it's so true to the manga.

The level on Flashback: The Quest for Identity (Megadrive) where you have to get a job to get money, hunting down the rogue cyborgs was always fun but waiting for the right train in the subway was a pain in the...

Messing around in the Highwind in FF7- no place really to go except sightseeing.

The Normandy beach landing at the start of Medal of Honour (PS2) and the Arnheim level.
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my favourite gaming moment has to be when i was playing Viewtiful Joe on the GC.

i has like 2 hits left before i die, but from no where he kyubi within me raged out!

and i wouldnt stop smashing up the enemies for like 15 minutes, and i got the highest score just from that combo.... which was 9999

i have attatched a pic to show u guys.
So much of the orginal Silent Hill was excellent, especially with the rumble pad, the opening hide and seek, the cat in the locker when Laura final puts enough together to realise she dead/ transformed the whole game we scares thing i've seen or played for a long time.
There were also some great moments in things like AVP2, the lenght you went before actually meeting your first alien and seeing how much ammo you went through before then on swinging pipes or chains.
Also some cut scences form things like starcraft. 'Sarge, l Love you'
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I just like the slo-mo knockouts in the Street Fighter series. I'm easily pleased when it comes to hitting fictional characters.

Oh yeah, and capping a sniping camper in the back of the head when playing Far Cry online. So satisfying....
Too many to talk about, but a very, very recent account has to be in Onimusha 4: Dawn of Dreams (sorry, I like naming things in full - a bad habit of mine) when one of the Genma ring leaders - Claudius - is taken out.

Wonder why villians a lot of the time have such misplaced over confidence? If I was a villian I'd never underestimate my enemy, so therefore I'd win.

Err, maybe. Hock!
The ending of FFX the video and story was really touching, also during the game where tidus surfs down the cables from the air ship, brilliant.

The different Fatalities, Friendships, Babalities etc in the MK series

The first time I got to steal and fly the Harrier Jet in GTA San Andreas

FFVII the first time I got to use a limit break and better than that Knights Of The Realm and Clouds final limit breaker
I have several of those moments. However with older games a lot were simply the moment i finally managed to complete them.

Perhaps my fondest 'completion' memory was when, after over 6 years of trying, i finally completed all the levels of Goldeneye on the N64 on 00 agent. That was an epic struggle!

Two moments stick out for other bits in games though, both Zelda's i'm afraid.

The First, in Ocarina of Time (Best game ever made IMO) was the feeling while going through Ganon's tower near the end, it was incredibly creepy, yet very epic at the same time, culminating in seeing Ganon playing that organ, intence stuff. I could chose a million and 1 things from that game, not the least the shock (yes, shock!) at Sheik=Zelda :p and many others.

But the best Single moment for me, is in Wind Waker. Infiror in almost all respects to OOT (despite being an excellent game) but one moment is the most epic moment i've ever had in a game. That is the final battle with Ganon, as the sky is falling and the water is pouring into Hyrule. The music is perfect, the battle sublime and very difficult, and if it there is a bet climactic feeling battle about, i've yet to see it. Absolutely sublime way to finish that game (now if only the rest of the game lived up to it!)
Oh and the very very very end of Final Fantasy VIII when the video camera is taping everyone at the ball and just as it runs out you see Squal and Rinoa, yes I cried when I saw that
hmm, well this is somewhat of a gaming moment.
another one has to be when i met Shigeru Miyamoto and got my mario sunshine signed, and took a pic of him :)
also i got my MGS3 signed by Hideo Kojima and the artist (one of my favourites Yoji Shinkawa)
that was sure cool!