Favorite FF Game and Most Hated FF game

Dagger said:
Gonna have to change mine..

Favorites: FFIV, FFX, FFXII, DoC,

least favorite: FFXI

(IV is 4 right?)

Yes it is 4.

My favourite has to be 8, i want them to give it a graphics overhaul and nothing else.
Nyu said:
Dagger said:
Gonna have to change mine..

Favorites: FFIV, FFX, FFXII, DoC,

least favorite: FFXI

(IV is 4 right?)

Yes it is 4.

My favourite has to be 8, i want them to give it a graphics overhaul and nothing else.

I have to say 8 has my fave character/story side of the games, and the ending is bar far thwe most amazing, with the hand held video camera showing everyone partying. Plus the end music is used as the intro bit for FFXII which brought back many happy memories
Snap, i think i'll have to play it again when im off uni for a month. The environment was just fantastic and it had the right mix of magix/mecha for me, just seemed to fit really well.

For me i think 8 has the best CG in ANY game i've ever seen, at the time it was just jaw dropping and even today they still look fantastic.
Nyu said:
Snap, i think i'll have to play it again when im off uni for a month. The environment was just fantastic and it had the right mix of magix/mecha for me, just seemed to fit really well.

For me i think 8 has the best CG in ANY game i've ever seen, at the time it was just jaw dropping and even today they still look fantastic.

I love the scene with the Ragnarok ship scratching and busting itys way through the castles shields (one of my all time fave cgi scenes), as well as Rinoa in space with the ring necklace. And lest we not forgest the opening sequence the action mixed with opera/drama style music and the changing landscape brilliant.

Plus building your own weapons was a new feature although sometimes it took forever to find that one part you needed.

After FFXII is completed 8 will definately be getting re-installed on my pc
Mt favourite Final Fantasy is FFVII, but I can see that changing if FFXII continues to be as great as it is.

I don;t hate any FF games - I love all the ones I've played. Though if I were to say which one I liked least, I'd have to say FFVIII. The story in FFVIII was amazing and so were the characters and it;s a truly beautiful game. However, the battle system was laborious and boring.
I'm back to playing FF VIII since i'm off uni for a month. I'm upto the second disc on the Galbaldia mission, Picked it up from my last saved game from last summer and i remember everything i done.

This game with a graphical remake would be the last game i would ever need to buy. The only thing they could improve upon would be to add more song scores and possibly do a voice cast (but with the option to turn it off duh!) I may look into buying some other FF games but i havent had a look at any of them. I don't know if any follow the same theme as 8? anyone?

One of the things i love about this game is how the backgrounds and characters work so well. Even now the backgrounds look great, while a bit dated but taken into context they are still fantastic. With the way the 3d environments work with the 2d characters (the lift in Balamb Garden for example) still makes me love playing this game.

If there is one example anyone needs to site that story beats graphics any day of the week then this is a game to quote.
Nyu said:
I'm back to playing FF VIII since i'm off uni for a month. I'm upto the second disc on the Galbaldia mission, Picked it up from my last saved game from last summer and i remember everything i done.

If there is one example anyone needs to site that story beats graphics any day of the week then this is a game to quote.

I am desparate to get back on this game, but at the moment I am trying to get through FFXII, when that is done I am straight onto Squalls adventure.

And I totally agree with you that although the graphics are not brilliant the story more than makes up for it
Favourite - FF XII

Least Favourite - FF X-2, nothing wrong with the battle system, I loved the dress sphere idea, the characters drove me up the wall and the story, WTF?
I'm gonna take a look at some of the newer FF's and gonna try and pickup a copy of FFXII on the cheap and give it a go.

This game is about as bad as anime when it comes to not wanting to put it down.