Both Super Mario world games are rather better than their forebears, Yoshi's Island in particular. Anyone who believes that game gives them the same old experience is either talking out of their bum, or out of their bum
whilst having never played the game in the first place. Whilst it's fair to say that Mario is a much of a flogged horse as Final Fantasy, I don't think FF has ever put out the kind of blips of well-designed brilliance that Mario does to redeem itself so often. If you play an FF game, the next you play won't be significantly different no matter how much you enjoy it.
McIcy said:
Finally each final fantasy game has new and unique character and not 2 plumbers some fungus, a tart and a slug with legs
Not really. Final Fantasy games rehash the same characters again and again. Females in Final Fantasy are particularly poor. There are only ever three of them in your party, even in a game like FF6 which has 14 party members. There is always the saintly virginal one (often a princess, usually a healer, nearly always the love interest) [Rosa, Reina, Terra, Aeris, Rinoa, Garnet, Yuna], the more aggressive one (often older, skilled in Black Magic or some kind of weapon, usually with some kind of pain in their past or some unrequited love) [Rydia, Faris, Celes, Tifa, Quistis, Freya, Lulu, Paine] and the younger, "spunky" one (by far the most consistant and predictable. They nearly always have some terrible tragedy in their past) [Porom, Krile, Relm, Yuffie, Selphie, Eiko, Rikku]. Sure, the Mario characters are largely little cut outs of characters, but no one has ever played a platformer for its story, and I shudder to think that anyone has ever played a Role Playing Game for its
gameplay, so FF has that much more of a responsibility to offer interesting characters.