Fable II confirmed for GOTY? I think so!


Baka Ranger
Initially I didn't really care about Fable II at all, expecting the usual, little to no information being given out and left in the dark near enough completely by Lionhead. Then when the game grew closer to release, I had a desire within me to play it as I enjoyed Fable regardless of its flaws and hype. So it's been getting a lot of positive reviews [Accord to -some- members here, reviews are meant to be taken into account] and if that's the case then the game itself seems to be a potential GOTY candidate, definately. I got it today at around 5pm, been playing it since about 2:00am, god damn... it's so good, the whole game is a grand improvement over the original by a large margin. [I'm not going into detail why, but if you play it, you'll find out]

tl;dr version: Fable II is pretty awesome, seems to be GOTY, agree, disagree? Thoughts on it if you've played it?
I will be buying Fable II also, as it looks the definition of awesome.

Saying that, Gears II will undoubtedly blow it's ass out of the water. Seen the f*cking trailers for that **** yet? It is the paramount of perfection.

Gears 3 won't need to exist, for people will be religiously masturbating over the crotch rocking awesomeness that is Gears 2.

/ thread
fable 2 is great, I havent been playing it much because I am away from home and thus from my xbox. It has even got me buying a nice big monitor to play it on :) Full 1080p HD, after Tuesday it will be hard to drag me away from it. Wether it should get GOTY is another question, as we have a few other contenders coming up before xmas.
Fable II will sweep the GOTYs at the more pretentious publications (e.g. Eurogamer and the like. Though they'll sneak something like World of Goo in just under it to look cool.) and Gears II at those publications who ever looked twice at a Halo game (did I just imply that Halo is sub-par? Good.). Also: Fallout 3 is either going to burn bright or plain burn, and every dyed in the wool PC owner will tell you the Left 4 Dead / Spore / Red Alert 3 / is the elixir of life and you won't care.

For the record, I hate Gears of War II. It's like Cliff Bleszinski ran off with some blonde bitch and they're having a second sweaty, over bloomed child. Joke's on him, Unreal Tournament III isn't his son.
Fable 2 has the potential to be game of the year, easily, there is so much going for it. GTA4, no, GoW2 possibly, but it'll need to pull off something big i think. Since i got Fable 2 on friday i've been working on it when i can, its brilliant. There is just tonnes to do, loads of places to explore, heck you can even get extras for having stuff done on Fable 1, i would have it if i didn't do it on the original Xbox =/. Personally i can see this one taking it fairly easily.
kupoartist said:
Fable II will sweep the GOTYs at the more pretentious publications (e.g. Eurogamer and the like. Though they'll sneak something like World of Goo in just under it to look cool.) and Gears II at those publications who ever looked twice at a Halo game (did I just imply that Halo is sub-par? Good.). Also: Fallout 3 is either going to burn bright or plain burn, and every dyed in the wool PC owner will tell you the Left 4 Dead / Spore / Red Alert 3 / is the elixir of life and you won't care.

For the record, I hate Gears of War II. It's like Cliff Bleszinski ran off with some blonde bitch and they're having a second sweaty, over bloomed child. Joke's on him, Unreal Tournament III isn't his son.

You sir, have clearly never played Gears... or UT III by the sounds of it.
Fable II looks very, very impressive. The reviews have been great, too! But it has some serious competition for GOTY this year (Metal Gear Solid 4, BioShock, LittleBigPlanet, Fallout 3, Gears of War 2 and many other games that I cannot remember right now). I still need to get 'The Lost Chapters' for my laptop :]

Lupus Inu said:
tl;dr version: Fable II is pretty awesome, seems to be GOTY, agree, disagree? Thoughts on it if you've played it?

This is another of those irritating, mindless 4chan memes you pollute this forum with, isn't it? Maybe you'd best just keep the 4chan speak on 4chan. Honestly, I don't like being reminded of 4chan every time I read one of your posts.

tl;dr version: Stop doing that.

Kurogane said:
You sir, have clearly never played Gears... or UT III by the sounds of it.
I've certainly played UTIII, I was pretty underwhelmed, but don't regret buying it as such. And I don't really hate Gears, I'm just sore over Dude Huge's recent PC Xenophobia. I feel used Clifford, USED.

Though Gears does have a certain macho edge that makes me feel uncomfortable :p
CitizenGeek said:
No 2007 title should sneak in the back door because publishers release it on a new platform as an afterthought.
I haven't, y'know, played Fable 2 or anything, but I strongly feel it probably maybe can't possibly be as good as Dead Space. I think.
The Aaron said:
I haven't, y'know, played Fable 2 or anything, but I strongly feel it probably maybe can't possibly be as good as Dead Space. I think.

I've heard thats mean't to be really good actually as well, and from what i've seen of it i can see why, i just need to get round to picking it up. I still think though that, compared to Fable II overall it won't take it.
kupoartist said:
CitizenGeek said:
No 2007 title should sneak in the back door because publishers release it on a new platform as an afterthought.


I hate (and yes thats pure hatred) the fact that Bioshock has got all this hype simply because its been released for the ps3....big fcuking whoop! its a (lets face it in technology terms) old game on another console, same levels with afew extra's....made for idiots like my friend ben who owns it on both 360 and ps3.

Dead space has looked good from the off :D
saw the anime in hmv and was considering buying it....have downloaded the anime series off the american playstation store and it seems to have a brilliant story line. altho i can't stop thinking that its so similar to games i've played on the ps1.....like a space version of resident evil :s
I was actually very interested in this at first, but my interest dwindled significantly when I heard all the various problems. Also, I purchased the orginal Fable a while ago, and I wasn't impressed. That game had too many minor issues that irked me. Watching the completed version of Fable II in action hasn't impressed me much either. The glitches and the game not doing what it promised has put me off.
Ryo Chan said:
against Gears 2, GTA4, fifa 09, Cod4 and Cod WaW?

not a chance
Lol no. If you say it wasn't as overhyped, then I'd agree with you.

I find the lack of Mirror's Edge and A Vampyre Story in this thread disturbing.
There are way to many amazing games out at the moment for Fable II to just walk over any competition, with such titles as GTA4, MGS4, Far Cry 2 and the highly rated and world wide audience that COD4 now has it'll be a tough fight