melonpan said:
In all seriousness though, I'd like to actually know what the Qur'an teaches. Muslims get such a bad representation in society, and I'm sure it's not justified.
I bet the vast majority (if not all) extremists/fundamentalists in all relgions haven't actually ever read a word of their 'holy book'.
I've read the Qu'ran when I was young, but didn't understand it because we were expected to read it in Arabic without knowing what it means.
But I have the English Transalation and it's shows what is wrong with believers as a whole.
1. The Quran state that "Christian is Men without Religion" and "Islam is religion without men". They must be reffering to the Protestant now days... which is wierd since Islam was born way before Protestant was created.
2. This is the only thing I agree with them on. Jesus is "not" the Son of God. He never said he was... It's just a mis-intepreation on the behalf of the Christian. He did say he was the "Son of Man". But everyone who is a believer is really "Children of God". And this isn't the only thing the Quran said, but also the DVD of the story about Jesus handed out by "Christians" themselves
3. A women is only "half a witness". So in court, you need two women to equal one man in witnesses.
4. They state that "Jews worship through Anger" and "Christian is on the wrong path"
5. Oh this one... You hear that "many muslims" in the UK state that this country is the spawn of the devil, etc. Well... The muslim are sinning themselves... The quran clearly states that "If you live in a country with non-believers, enjoy living with them and understand their ideology, then you are a Mushka (non-believer). You should/must EMIGRATE to a Islamic country where the religion is practiced"
So yeah... The quran itself have flaws like the Bible or Torah does. But that's a holy book... It's law is 2000 year old...