Terrible quality but better than nothing. I wish they'd just release it on the internet officially.
harkins said:Oh no, Shinji doesn’t have dinner with some French settlers does he?!
It was done by Utada Hikaru, IIRC, I quite liked it.Tasker said:Urgh, that version of 'Fly me to the moon' was terrible. :?
I doubt that at four movies long. I'm hoping it's just going to be the series with better animation. I just hope this 'new' ending is going to be decent since i'm quite happy with the two versions we already have.Ark said:I'm worried that it's gonna end up being a Death Redux
That's the part I'm not over the moon about. It seems to translate as dumb it down to milk even more money out of it....the series is intended to be much more understandable and accessible to non-fans than the original TV series and movies...
Lupus Inu said:It was done by Utada Hikaru, IIRC, I quite liked it.Tasker said:Urgh, that version of 'Fly me to the moon' was terrible. :?
WTFDaveMustaine said:I doubt that at four movies long. I'm hoping it's just going to be the series with better animation. .Ark said:I'm worried that it's gonna end up being a Death Redux
Ah, I thought you meant you were afraid of another mess of scenes slapped together rather poorly that tried to tell the entire episodes one to twenty four in the space of a movie and failed just creating a rather confusing mess. Because that's what 'Death' was to me.Ark said:That's kind of what I meant I was afraid of. Though I was talking really about this first film though in terms of eps 1-6. I don't really see the point of doing a direct translation of certain scenes just with better animation.
Ark said:Hey if they're looking to make the franchise less sophisticated maybe they'll end the last film with Misato and Shinji falling in love and then Shinji using unit-1 to turn the world into an egg.
Hehharkins said:Oh no, Shinji doesn’t have dinner with some French settlers does he?!
There's been a news report floating around the internet giving an outline of the content of the movies. IIRC, at least one was going to be set during the events of the series, so there will be some stuff we've already seen. Not to say it won't be from a different perspective, etc, however.Ark said:That's kind of what I meant I was afraid of. Though I was talking really about this first film though in terms of eps 1-6. I don't really see the point of doing a direct translation of certain scenes just with better animation.
This is Evangelion, the ending could be literally anything. I'd go with everyone turning into spaghetti after EVA-01 becomes the Flying Spaghetti Monster.hopeful_monster said:Just hope ending makes more sense.